115 kg woman marries her personal trainer: "I no longer believed in true love and then he came along"

Finding a soul mate isn't the easiest thing to do in life. You have to be in the right place, at the right time to meet a special man or woman who grabs our attention, intrigues us and makes us feel good. This is particularly the case when you seek for partners who can overcome clichés, stereotypes and prejudices and can see beyond mere physical appearance.
The subject of this story know this fact very well. Let's find out what their story is:
via Mirror
Matt Montgomery and Brittany Jacques are two young people who met each other through social media and fell in love. You may be wondering what is strange about two people who meet, fall in love and decide to spend their lives together. Absolutely nothing, of course. The only aspect that drew attention to the lovers was the notable difference in their respective physical weights: she about 115 kilograms (kgs) - he is half of this (about 58 kgs).
Looking at the photos shared on the couple's Instagram profile, one immediately notices the physical difference between the two, but, fortunately, this has not stopped them from loving each other. And this is something that, unfortunately, had already happened to the woman. As she herself stated, the relationships she was in before Matt had almost caused her to give up on finding love.
"I did not believe in the possibility of having a lasting relationship with Matt," confessed the young woman. She continued: "It has happened to me several times that guys I was interested in, and who seemed to reciprocate the feeling, placed conditions on the relationship: either I lost weight, or they would leave me. And they did exactly that".
But then Matt came along and everything changed in this woman's life. At first, he was her personal trainer and who, little by little, turned into the love of her life. This is a love story that has continued has had many happy consequences: not only did Brittany start believing again in true love, but the couple also got married and have had a baby.

This couple's experience has shown, once again, how fundamentally important it is to go beyond one's appearance, not to judge others, not to expect others to do what they do not want to, and to give love the space it needs to grow. If Matt had allowed himself to be influenced by the extra pounds his beloved carries, he would not have met someone so special and would have missed out on the opportunity to start a family with her. Fortunately, this was not the case and now they can continue to live in their fairy tale.
We wish this couple the very best of luck and a happy life.