"I always pretended to have a twin sister in order not to be stopped in the street by my work colleagues for a chat"

by Mark Bennett

July 02, 2022

"I always pretended to have a twin sister in order not to be stopped in the street by my work colleagues for a chat"

When you start a new job you have to deal with a few things: new work tasks, new environment and, above all, new colleagues. It is inevitable that you will come into contact with one's colleagues and bosses. And it is also perhaps inevitable, that some of them will not have the same tastes, sense of humor and passions as you do. In short, you cannot expect to get along with all your colleagues, but this is certainly not a good reason to be rude. There are those who, like the subject of this story, have devised an "infallible method" to avoid having to interact with their work colleagues outside of working hours, just in case she meets someone from her office in the street.

via TikTok / robbnwa

TikTok / robbnwa

TikTok / robbnwa

User "robbnwa" has posted a hilarious video on TikTok in which she reveals her ingenious plan to avoid having to chat with her co-workers outside of the office. The woman, now retired, declared that she had always told everyone that she had a twin sister and so, no one would be surprised or angry if, in the street, the woman they believed to be a colleague of theirs had not acknowledged their greetings. Everything would be explained since the "twin sister" certainly could not know the identity of her sister's work colleagues. Of course, unbeknownst to them (by using this trick), she was the real "robbnwa" - their work colleague - and was deliberately avoiding saying hello by using this subterfuge.

The trickster said: "When I started my job, I told everyone in the office that I had an identical twin. That way, in case I saw them on the street, I wouldn't have to talk to them."

TikTok / robbnwa

TikTok / robbnwa

Admit it: how many times would you have preferred to remain silent and alone rather than have to listen to the requests and chatter of your colleagues? It goes without saying, in fact, that the "trick" caught the attention of many users, who have left many positive and amusing comments: "A brilliant plan!" or even: "Why? Why have I never thought about doing this? This is the ultimate life hack for true introverts!" wrote another.

And for those who really do have a identical twin, they seem not hesitate to put a plan like this into practice themselves: "I confirm and admit it: I have an identical twin and I do this every time I leave the house - I pretend to be her and she does the same when she goes out".

What do you think about this - would you ever try such a slippery scheme?
