Woman's car breaks down and she has no money to repair it: a man offers her a lift and sets up a fundraiser to help her

by Mark Bennett

July 05, 2022

Woman's car breaks down and she has no money to repair it: a man offers her a lift and sets up a fundraiser to help her

Have you ever heard of guardian angels? They are those people who come into our life by chance and who, without having received any special requests or knowing anything about us, are able to do the right thing at the right time. Of course, it doesn't happen that we meet men or women like this every day, but whoever has encountered one can testify to how beautiful and exciting it is.

The woman we want to tell you about, Kim, knows something about guardian angels. Kim, on regular day, met Brandon McNamee - a generous man who did something special for her. Let's find out together what it was:

via brandon.mcnamee.9/Facebook



In a video posted on Facebook by Brandon McNamee (the guardian angel of this story), we can see the moment he meets  Mrs. Kim. The latter, on a morning like many others, was walking to work. Since her car had broken down and she didn't have enough money to fix it, she had lately been walking to work and occasionally hitchhiking to get to work a little earlier. One day, she met Brandon and something changed.

The man stopped and gave her a lift. On the way to Wendy's (the place where Kim worked), the two started talking about everything under the sun. The two got along well and she recounted the story of her recent mishap with her car and the impossibility of having it repaired due to the cost of the repairs. After hearing this sad story, Brandon realized that he had to do something for the friendly lady.



Back home and thanks to the suggestion of a friend, Brandon took action and set up a fundraiser page to help Kim. In a very short time, a fairly large figure was reached. In another video, shot by a friend of Brandon's, the man is seen going to Kim's workplace and asking for her. The moment the woman sees him, she recognizes him and greets him with a dazzling smile. Brandon then approaches her and explains what he has done for her. With the money he collected, he managed to buy her a $ 100 gift card from Uber - the car taxi service - to allow her to get to work comfortably and without the risks of hitchhiking. Not only that: he gave her $ 200 to repair her car and another $ 200 for any unexpected expenses.

This was a gesture of altruism and generosity for which Kim thanked the man countless times and the video has gone viral on the web. It has also created a real show of solidarity towards the woman. Beyond the gift Brandon gave her, Kim has received several offers from professionals who have made themselves available to fix her car for free.



Kindly gestures of this kind always make our hearts feel warm. And given their rarity, it is nice to to know that they can still happen. Nonetheless, we are heartened to read about people who decide, totally voluntarily, to act in the best interests of others and who, with their small gestures of kindness, make the world a better place.
