"I've been married for 15 years and I don't want children": woman reveals the reasons for her choice

by Mark Bennett

June 23, 2022

"I've been married for 15 years and I don't want children": woman reveals the reasons for her choice

The decision to have children or not always raises many questions. We are used to thinking that if two people choose to spend their lives together, they must necessarily have children - but this is not always the case. There are spouses, in fact, who prefer to remain alone and decide that they will never have any small children running around their home. This is a choice that many will criticize and trigger commentary about missing out on the "blessings of parenthood".

And this is a little like what happened to the woman we are about to tell you about in this article. The woman, married for 15 years to her husband, has always said that she does not want children and she has also given her reasons. Let's find out what they are together:

via jenn_lyles/Tik Tok

jenn_lyles/Tik Tok

jenn_lyles/Tik Tok

The subject of this story is Jenn Lyles. She has been happily married to her husband for 15 years. By mutual agreement, she decided that she would not have children. The reasons for this choice? For Jenn and her husband, there are 4 main reasons for taking this path. Tired of receiving criticism, and constantly reading that only people who become parents are "acceptable" to society (unlike her), the Jenn posted a video on TikTok in which she talks about her situation.

In video, Jenn talks about what drives her and her partner to not have children and explains the reasons that make her happy about her choice. First of all, it is a question of freedom. Having no children allows the couple to have no limitations and are able to move freely when travelling and exploring the world. As Jenn says, children - through no fault of their own - do hold one back, even if it's, for example, being tied to their school timetables.

jenn_lyles/Tik Tok

jenn_lyles/Tik Tok

The second reason for her choice concerns money. Without children, she and her husband have more funds available to invest in themselves, to spend good times together, to travel and to do whatever else comes to her mind.

Reason number three: they can sleep in late. Yes, it is also important for Jenn to enjoy her sleeping hours, which would not be possible with a baby at home. "On Saturday we can sleep late," she says, "without having to worry about getting up and going to football practice".

The fourth and final motivation is related to work. "Without children I was able to concentrate 100% on my career," says Jenn. She concluded: "It's true that even those with children can do this, but the distractions are greater for parents". In short, this is a journey that she and her husband have taken and which, over the years, has led to an increasingly solid and embedded decision. Despite explaining everything, criticism of the couple was quick in coming and many called Jenn selfish.

jenn_lyles/Tik Tok

jenn_lyles/Tik Tok

Many users who have seen Jenn's post have formed a negative opinon of her, while others have supported the woman. The latter group told how they too have chosen not to have children and how happy they have been. One comment in particular states: "This is my life and I'm living it exactly as I want to" - and this is perhaps what Jenn ultimately wanted to say in her video.

Realistically, each of us can choose what he or she wants to do in life. Negative comments and criticisms from others are thier personal opinions and should have no bearing on the choices we make for ourselves as we navigate through our lives.

What do you think about this?
