For six years, this stepfather wrote a note every day to his stepdaughter: she kept them all and gives him a surprise (+ VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

June 24, 2022

For six years, this stepfather wrote a note every day to his stepdaughter: she kept them all and gives him a surprise (+ VIDEO)

Family is very important in every person's life. There are those who are lucky enough to get along with all family members - then again, there are others who do not. But whatever the case, one cannot help but recognize the central part and the role families play in one's existence. All this happens spontaneously and naturally - both when we talk about a biological family and, in some cases, when we are dealing with "extended" families. Extended family situations often involve two (or more) people getting to know each other - after having had a previous relationship - and decide to move in together. The most difficult thing, in such cases, is establishing a good relationship between the parents and any stepchildren.

In the story we are about to tell you about, a young woman had a close relationship with her stepfather and the two have always been united by a splendid bond. For this reason, she decided to thank her stepfather for everything he had done for her, and did this by organizing a very special surprise for him. Let's find out what it was:

via Soph/Twitter



The subject of this story is Sophia Wilcox, a young woman who, for Father's Day, came up with a surprise for her stepfather, Brian Sandusky. Brian is not the biological father of the young woman, but that had not stopped her from loving him and being close to him throughout her life.

When the woman was in middle school and she needed support, her stepfather supported her and had a brilliant way of doing this: every morning he left an encouraging note (post-its) on her bedroom door. That little, daily message was an encouragement to face each day positively and to continue her studies. This was custom that went on for 6 years and for Sophia, it had a great importance. And this was the reason she decided to keep all the post-it messages and to store them away jealously.

Years later, Sophia wanted to return the kind actions of her stepfather, and conceived of getting him a very special gift for Father's Day: she gathered up all the messages she got from Brian, placed them around a photo of the two of them and framed them. She then wrapped everything up and handed the package to her stepfather on Father's Day.



The event was filmed by the author herself and shared on her Twitter profile. In the images you can see a smiling man holding the gift he has just received. Encouraged by his stepdaughter, Brian begins unwrapping the package and very slowly discovers what it contains: the frame with all the post-its he had written himself over the years. Sophia had kept them all and it was time to return them to him. Sophia's stepfather could not hold back the tears of emotion when he realized what the gift was. "These are the notes I wrote for you," he says. "Yes, I have kept them all. I love you, dad," replies his stepdaughter, excited and thrilled to have made the person she loves so happy.

As Sophia later said: "We have been together for 10 years and he has always encouraged me. He has helped me to look at the world from another point of view and I am very grateful to him for that."

The video got loads of views and touched many viewers. Many of the viewers have left a comment in which they congratulate Sophia and express words of admiration for a young woman who was able to recognize the effort of a stepfather - and found a unique way to thank him for all his years of support.

Before watching the video, prepare your tissues - you will need them!
