"I took away my daughter's dog because she didn't study hard enough at school: was I right?"

by Mark Bennett

June 20, 2022

"I took away my daughter's dog because she didn't study hard enough at school: was I right?"

Raising children puts a strain on every parent. We often wonder if the choices we make are right or wrong and if the examples we set are the best or not. When something in particular happens, or when you want to make a child understand that you have made a mistake, you try to talk to him - or she - and let them know the pros and cons of their actions. It is too bad then, that sometimes dialogue is not enough and we need to go a little further and, perhaps, resort to imposing more significant punishments.

And just such a thing happened to the mom we want to tell you about in this article. Due to her daughter's lack of commitment to her studie, this woman took rather drastic action. Let's find out together what she did:

via Reddit

Paolo Neo/Wikimedia

Paolo Neo/Wikimedia

Between the mother and her daughter, discontent arose due to the daughter neglecting her studies. The woman told the full story in a post on Reddit. "My daughter is very intelligent and relies only on this ability to do well at school. She does not do her homework, she does not pay attention in class and, every time she has an exam, she only studies for it in the morning of the exam. Despite everything, she has good grades - except in history - and this is where the problem is ".

According to her mother's account, her daughter had a very important history assignment set for which her parents had urged her to do her best. The woman specifically told her that if she didn't get good results, she would give her dog to the neighbors. Very fond of her 4-legged friend, the daughter had taken this threat lightly and she had joked about it, not considering that it could actually happen.

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Then the day of the exam arrived and the girl had managed to get a high grade, so she, together with her parents, went out to celebrate. It was too bad then, that a few days later, her mother discovered something that made her mad.

"Tidying up her room, I found among her things an identical essay to the one she had presented for her history exam," says the author of the post. "I called my daughter and asked her for an explanation. She apologized and then confessed that the assignment had been written by one of her classmates some time before and she had copied it. Furious at the lie, I berated her and tried to make her understand that what she had done was wrong. But she was blasé about what I was saying and went back into her room, seemingly unperturbed by the whole incident. At this point I took her dog and took him to the neighbors. "

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

Pxhere - Not the actual photo

The girl's reaction to her mother's punishment was a flood of tears and cries of grief - so much so that the woman's husband took his daughter's side, telling his wife that she had gone too far. The mother justifies herself, and writes that she did this to make her daughter understand that every action has a corresponding reaction (or consequence). The loss of her dog was the consequence of her cheating on the exam.

Asking her Reddit followers, this mother found out that many of them did not agree with her and did not support her decision to use the dog to punish her daughter.

What do you think? Tell us your opinion in the comments.
