Rude customer insults a family sitting at the opposite table: the waitress throws him out

Restaurants, shops, hotels and similar, are places where working is never easy. You are in constant contact with customers and it is not always obvious that you will be able to satisfy all the customer's needs. This is why every employee must be in possession of some indispensable skills. Willingness to listen, patient and openness to others are just some useful skills in this industry sector. The woman we want to tell you about, however, has another skill that is, perhaps, even more important: altruism. Altruism can be defined as the selfless concern of someone for the well-being of others.
This is a story about a gesture this woman made and shows just how important solidarity between people is for the common good. Let's find out together what she did:
via Go Fund Me

Gennica Cochran, is a Californian woman who works as a waitress at Bernardus Lodge, a very popular venue in Carmel Valley, California. One evening, while she was on duty, she witnessed a horrible scene and decided to intervene.
A man, Michael Lofthouse, was sitting at a table when he suddenly spoke rudely to an Asian family sitting across the way from him. The Asian diners were intent on celebrating a birthday and singing a classic birthday song, but something went horribly wrong. The man began to insult the Asian table, referring pejoratively to their ethnic origins. He also told them to get up and leave the restaurant. Unable to take this racist behavior any longer, Gennica decided to intervene in defense of the Asian family.
In the images of the video shot at the time, we see the man addressing the Asian customers in a rude manner and, immediately afterwards, the woman intervenes: "Stop it," she tells him firmly. "Don't talk like that to our guests. They are highly respected people and you don't have any right to address them like that. Get out! ".

The news of the incident immediately went around the web and got several comments, most of which were supportive of the waitress and the family who had been subjected to the racist attack. In a subsequent interview, Gennica said: "I wasn't serving Lofthouse myself, but from the beginning of the evening I saw that he was the rude type. He sent back several courses, complained several more times about the food and then reached his rude behavior reached a peak with his attack on our customers. I feel I have done the right thing and I am convinced that anyone else, in my place, would have done the same thing too."
Call it karma, but soon after, something wonderful happened to the waitress. To thank the woman and give her the recognition she deserved, a fund was set up on the GoFundMe website. The response from users was astonishing and, within a very short time, a significant amount was raise: around $ 93,000 dollars.

The GoFundMe page had a dedication written to honor the actions of the waitress and reads: "Gennica did something important - she reacted to a stop a racist, even risking losing her job. With this fundraising campaign, we want to show her all our gratitude, since it is not common for people to act like her and defend others."
Certainly, it is people like this woman who make the world a more livable place and give us hope for a better future. For this reason, we must salute them and take an example from their books. If we ever find ourselves in such a situation, let's not look the other way, but let's act - let's not forget that even the smallest action can contribute to the continued well-being of a community.