Nurse cannot assist his sick wife because he has run out of leave days: colleagues donate a year of their holiday time to him

by Mark Bennett

June 09, 2022

Nurse cannot assist his sick wife because he has run out of leave days: colleagues donate a year of their holiday time to him

We spend more than 80% of our waking days at work and with colleagues - and not always in pleasant conditions since it is not easy to find true friends at the office. Fortunately, however, Giuseppe Mora, an operating room nurse at the Polyclinic of "San Marco di Zingonia", in the province of Bergamo, found colleagues willing to show their solidarity with him. Giuseppe, also known as Beppe, has to take care of his wife Sara, who is also a nurse and who has been suffering from a serious lung disease for six, long years. Beppe, however, has used up all his holidays and sick-leave days, and his wife Sara's conditions is worsening. The only solution he could opt for in this situation was to take leave without pay for a few months, or even longer. It was at this point that a show of solidarity began to grow amongst his colleagues - and not only just with them.

via Repubblica

È accaduto al Policlinico San Marco di Zingonia (nella Bergamasca) dove tutto il personale sanitario e amministrativo ha...

Pubblicato da la Repubblica su Domenica 29 maggio 2022

In 2016, Sara found out she had a rare form of pulmonary hypertension. Although she initially thought it was just a form of asthma or some type of allergy, this turned out not to be the case. From that moment on, she underwent numerous visits and checks, as well as a lung transplant in 2021. Her husband Beppe, 47, has always been close to her: the two are nurses within the same Polyclinic and together they have a daughter. Gradually, however, Beppe began to run out of his vacation days which he used up to be at the side of his wife and daughter. Initially, it seemed that Sara was able to keep the disease at bay with drugs, but this turned out to be a false hope: what she really needed was a lung transplant.
Some good news finally came when compatible lungs were sourced, and on June 21, 2021 Sara underwent the transplant operation. In total, after the transplant, she spent two weeks in intensive care and 40 days recovering in hospital. It seems this was a happy ending to a long, troubled story - but unfortunately this is not the case. Sara got worse over the the following three months and her body rejected the transplanted organs.

Facebook / Chirurgia bariatrica Policlinico San Marco

Facebook / Chirurgia bariatrica Policlinico San Marco

The woman had to be intubated and treated urgently in order to survive. At this point, Beppe ran out of leave days and the only thing he can do is ask for leave without pay: "I had used up all my permissable days off. I had no option but to ask for leave without pay, even if the fact of ​​not getting a salary for months would be a problem that added to the many worries related to my wife's disease". It is here that his colleagues intervened to offer Beppe their generous support. Beppe recalls: "I called the head nurse of the operating theaters, Diego Di Vito, to try to determine how to proceed. The next day he called me and told me that there was no need for me ask for leave without pay".

Each of Beppe's colleagues donated to him a day of holiday from their quotas, covering a period of 39 days. And this wonderful gesture soon became known and made its way around the hospital, touching everyone's hearts: physiotherapists, cleaners, technicians, warehouse workers and other doctors also offered up their holidays, finally reaching a total of 1800 hours. This gave Beppe almost one year of vacation time.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

The 47-year-old man couldn't be more grateful to his colleagues: "I couldn't believe it, I was touched by all the solidarity they showed me. I'll never forget it. Now my greatest wish is that Sara can get well again and that she can go back to work and hug all of our colleagues".

Now we can't wait to write a happy ending to this story and wish our best to this family that deserves some good news and peace.
