This mom admits how difficult it is to shop with 9 children in tow

by Mark Bennett

June 06, 2022

This mom admits how difficult it is to shop with 9 children in tow

Starting a family and managing it is always hard work. There are some people who do this well, and then there are others who need a helping hand with whatever is needed. Sometimes, it depends on the parents and the amount of planning put into the effort and, at other times, it hinges on how large the family is.

The mother we are about to tell you about is a very enterprising and courageous woman. Not only did she and her husband have 9 children, but she also manages to take care of them on her own frequently. Since this is not something to be taken for granted and is not the same for everyone, in a video posted to TikTok, our subject shows herself, together with her children, struggling with the shopping. Let's see how things went:

via Instagram/maxinelee_y



The video shows Maxine Lee and her "crew" as they walk through the aisles of the shop. Intent on shopping with their mother, the 9 children are organized in the following way: 4 in a multi-seat stroller, two in the trolley and the others walking freely next to their mother. The exact organization of the kids varies depending on the store, the space available and many other factors - external or internal - around the family.

Maxine posted the video on the web to share her life experiences, and to explain how she gets around with 9 children in tow and to give some useful advice to those who could be in the same situation.



Referring to the video, Maxine wrote: "There are days when I take all 9 of my children out with me. It's usually a great experience, but I have to admit it's not always the case."

This statement triggered many reactions from her followers on TikTok. Many of them said they were amazed by her tenacity, her courage and her coordination skills and complimented her: "You are an extraordinary mother," she read in one comment.

Others, however, have compared their lives to that of Maxine, admitting that they cannot manage two children, let alone 9. "I have two and I almost never manage to take them to the shops at the same time"; "I complain with 3 children, you are fantastic". But there are also those who said that a mother should not find herself in this difficult situation and, in fact, should be able to leave them at home or to enlist some help.



Expounding another point of view, one user wrote: "It's not just about the number of kids, it's also about how polite or not the children are. Maybe 9 quiet little ones don't create problems, but if just one of them gets fed up with being in the cart or dragged around a shop, everything can fall apart in a hurry".

This is surely a statement not to be underestimated, don't you think? After all, if the children had been rowdy and started running all over the place instead of just staying quietly by their mother's side, things would have become far more complicated. And the woman herself, using this post, wanted to underline just how difficult it is to maintain this routine every day - despite the happiness of having all her children with her.

In any case, and no matter the number of times Maxine goes out with all 9 of her children in tow, we must congratulate her for her determination and courage. Do you agree?
