Bully parks in a reserved spot and insults a female firefighter - she destroys his car in a fire drill

by Mark Bennett

May 21, 2022

Bully parks in a reserved spot and insults a female firefighter - she destroys his car in a fire drill

The world is full of rude people and bullies who believe they can intimidate others just because they have a good job, a nice car and some extra cash. Mutual respect, however, should be a staple for everyone, don't you think? A firefighter had to use a heavy hand to teach a lesson to an arrogant man who insisted on parking his BMW in a place reserved for emergency vehicles in front of a small supermarket. The man in question did not want to leave or park his car elsewhere, because that was his "place". After being warned by the supermarket manager and, later, also by firefighters, the latter were forced to take action when this ignorant man ignored their repeated requests for him to move his car.

via Reddit

Pexels / Not the actual photo)

Pexels / Not the actual photo)

User "Chef-231", a woman who serves in a fire department, told the story of what had happened on Reddit. The woman was contacted by her friend Bob, a supermarket manager, who complained about a man who kept parking his BWM in a spot reserved for emergency vehicles - right in front of the store. Bob had repeatedly told the driver that he could not occupy that specific parking space, but the arrogant man had replied to Bob in an extremely rude and bossy tone: "I can park wherever I want. I make more money in a day than you make in a week!". The woman decided there and then to help Bob. She took a fire brigade truck, clearly recognizable by the decal on the side of the vehicle, and went to the scene.

Pixabay / Not the actual photo

Pixabay / Not the actual photo

On arrival, the firefighter immediately had a verbal confrontation with the man about him having illegally parked in a spot reserved for emergency vehicles:

"You can't park there, that is my special place" shouted a male voice. The woman turned and found herself face to face with the bully who had illegally parked in the reserved spot. "Excuse me, I'm on duty and I can park here," the woman replied as she pointed to the decal on the fire truck door. The man looked at her and replied in a contemptuous tone: "You can't be a firefighter - you're a woman; move your truck and get out of here."

After this absurd exchange of words, which made the firefighter on duty quite angry, the "revenge" phase began. The woman, in fact, had noticed that inside Bob's office that his fire protection system needed to be overhaulled / inspected in the next few days - a convenient starting point to work out her plan of revenge, which she immediately detailed to her boss.

Pixnio / Not the actual photo

Pixnio / Not the actual photo

At the fire station they decided to hold a full fire drill / inspection by sending an old fire truck and another vehicle to the shop, when Bob called the next time to say the braggart had parked in the reserved spot again. About two weeks later, Bob's call came in: the man had just parked (illegally again) and the shop's fire alarm was ringing (triggered by Bob, of course). The woman and her fire crew immediately got ready to respond to the alarm and shot off to carry out the fire response exercise at Bob's shop. Once they got there, they found Bob evacuating the shop, and they started their response drill.

And the following is what happened in a nutshell: During the drill, firefighters heavily damaged the BMW which was parked in their reserved spot. As you can imagine, the man went on a rampage and, at that point, the fireman had to call for reinforcements, as there was "obstructing a fire drill". The man, as soon as he saw the female firefighter, threatened to have her fired and claimed that she would have to pay for the damage inflicted to his "precious car".

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

After making these threats, however, the man was thrown to the ground by police officers and handcuffed: "I calmly informed him that he was under arrest for assault and interference with a fire investigation and that his car would be towed away because it was parked in a reserved spot ", said the arresting police officer. And the final result? The man was given 12 months' probation for pushing a female firefighter and for interfering with a firefighting operation; he also received a $ 500 dollar fine for illegal parking, was charged for the tow and, most importantly, he lost his beautiful BMW.

Moral of the story: don't park in reserved parking spots!
