Woman buys a dress online, but what she received was very different from the original photo (+ VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

May 29, 2022

Woman buys a dress online, but what she received was very different from the original photo (+ VIDEO)

Nowadays, it is quite common to buy almost any type of product online, thereby avoiding the need to go out and finding yourself in a crowded store. There are many platforms that offer this service and more and more people are buying clothes using this online method. But how about making sure of the sizes? Well, this is precisely the challenge - in addition to the fact that you have to absolutely sure that you are making a purchase on a secure site. In fact, rip-offs are just around the corner, especially if you can't physically try on a dress or put on a pair of shoes that we want to buy. Jodie Howard is one of the many people who, captivated by the photo of a dress, decided to buy it online. What she received, however, was a little different from the image of the model wearing it on the website, to say the least.

via Twitter / jodiehoward

Twitter / jodiehoward

If, when buying a pair of shoes, you need to try them on in the store, an exception could perhaps be made when buying a dress. Jodie Howard was struck by a stunning yellow dress, which popped up as sponsored content when she was surfing online. Who has never had such a thing happen to them? It happens all the time - the internet is infested with pop-up ads. The young woman clicked on the ad and she decided to buy the "fabulous" dress. Immediately after placing the order, the bank sent her a notification where she was asked for confirmation on the reliability of the shop: a message that, perhaps, should have encouraged Jodie to desist from buying the dress so impulsively.

Two weeks after the purchase, a courier rang her doorbell, and delivered a very small package.


Video of the hilarious reaction once the package was opened:

The size of the package immediately alerted Jodie, who suddenly began to suspect that the store she had purchased the dress from was ripping her off. In short, it didn't take her long to understand that the package containing the much-desired dress was actually too small to hold such an item. Jodie, however, didn't despair over her misfortune - in fact, she started laughing out loud when she saw what kind of dress they had sold her! The video she posted on Twitter, with her reaction, in which she shows her so-called "dress", is simply hilarious: the young woman simply can't stop laughing!

Twitter / jodiehoward

Twitter / jodiehoward

The young woman's excitement about the arrival of the package quickly evaporated when the courier handed her a small package - surely too small to hold a dress. When she opened the package, her feeling of disappointment got even stronger. Thankfully though, she was able to accept that she made a mistake and had been scammed by the online store. But she took her misfortune with a smile, as her hilarious video shows. With the help of her mother, she also managed to try on the dress she had been sent: "My mother and I had a good laugh trying to put it on and we found it hilarious when I finally was able to, because it was completely transparent," laughed Jodie.

What can we say? Be careful not to get carried away by impulsive feelings when you shop online!
