Woman goes to the hairdresser, but they will not give her the requested cut: she is offended and leaves without paying

by Mark Bennett

April 18, 2022

Woman goes to the hairdresser, but they will not give her the requested cut: she is offended and leaves without paying

Going to the hairdresser is one of the best ways to relax. Many are convinced that this is so for the simple fact that, when you go to a salon, it is not only a way to take care of yourself, but also to have a chat about anything you feel like - from the most interesting and current topics, to the most frivolous. Unfortunately, sometimes, it can also happen that a hairdresser is a little presumptuous. Has this ever happened to you?

Professional behavior is not something that depends on the craft one practices, but on what the person in question is like. It could happen, for example, that we start chatting about a sensitive matter and issues come up for which the person we have "behind us" feels they can offer an opinion ... an opinion we did not ask for, nor want to hear. And a similar thing happened to the woman we are going to tell you about in this article.

via chopitoffalready/Reddit

Pxfuel - Not the actual photo

Pxfuel - Not the actual photo

The person in question told her story in a post on Reddit. User @chopitoffalready wrote that she went to her trusted hairdresser one day. They had known each other for years and the professional knew everything about the woman, including the style of haircut she preferred and had stuck with over the years.

On the occasion we are talking about, however, this customer asked for a super-short haircut. The hairdresser, on hearing this request was left speechless and could not believe her ears. She had never cut the woman's hair shorter than just a few inches, so why do it now and so suddenly?

Pxfuel - Not the actual photo

Pxfuel - Not the actual photo

The woman posted about the interaction on Reddit: "I could not understand why she was so surprised. I just wanted to change my look and she tried in every way possible to make me give up the idea. She told me to leave my hair alone because it was so beautiful and then she told me other things which offended me." The woman continued: "She told me that I would not like myself with hair that short, especially when I got to see myself in the photos at my sister's wedding (which was to take place in two months time). I was an educated woman, she said, so how could I come up with such a silly idea? How would I look in the wedding photos? It's an absurd idea".

The thing that made the woman angry was the blatant, unprofessional intrusiveness of the hairdresser. After all, she was an adult and she could choose any haircut style she wanted for herself. The real point of this post on Reddit, however, stems from what happened after this first exchange.

Maria Morri/Wikimedia - Not the actual photo

Maria Morri/Wikimedia - Not the actual photo

Since the hairdresser would not give up trying to change the woman's mind, she was forced to leave the salon - but there was an unpleasant surprise for her. She was asked to pay a "fee" for the appointment that she did not use. Writing in her post, she continued: "I was asked to pay for making the hairdresser waste two hours of her time without finishing the cut. I refused and, when I was at the front door, the hairdresser told me that I would no longer be welcome in the saloon. But after talking about this incident with my friends, I felt a strong sense of guilt for not having paid and having made the hairdresser miss other potential appointments," she said.

Did the hairdresser genuinely just want to take care of her, or did she want to decide for her because she thought her client was incapable of making good decisions? The woman could not find an answer to this question and she turned to the web for advice.

And you? Do you think this customer acted in an appropriate manner, or not?
