"He will make many sacrifices for our son and I want to reward him": pregnant woman gives her partner a €190,000 euro car

by Mark Bennett

April 12, 2022

"He will make many sacrifices for our son and I want to reward him": pregnant woman gives her partner a €190,000 euro car

What would you do to make your partner happy? Think about it for a moment. A marriage proposal, a public declaration of love, a gift? And if you opted for the latter, what to choose? First of all, you need to know the passions of your partner very well to give a gift that would be appreciated. But the choice also depends on the occasion and, of course, on the budget you have available.

The subject of this story thought of all this before giving a jaw-dropping gift to her life partner and future father of her baby. Let's see together what she decided to give him...

via TikTok /ayunieso24

TikTok /ayunieso24

TikTok /ayunieso24

Anes Ayuni Osman is a young 19-year-old woman who is known to the general public on the web for being an influencer in the area of cosmetic products. The young woman lives in Malaysia and is married to an equally young entrepreneur, Weldan Zulkefli. The couple is expecting their first child, and she has decided to give her partner a gift to thank him in advance for everything he will do in the first months of the baby's life, when she will have to rest. Below, we explain all the details of this touching story.

In the Malaysian state of Kelantan, tradition has it that, after giving birth, the woman rests for exactly 100 days. In this way, she will be able to avoid becoming fatigued and the possible onset of post-birth complications. During the period in question, it is up to her husband / partner to take care of the newly-born child. The new father will have to think about everything that is needed during the first few months of his child's life and will absolutely not be able to "disturb" the mother. This is a traditional custom, and Anes has decided to reward her partner for doing it with a wonderful gift.

TikTok /ayunieso24

TikTok /ayunieso24

In a video posted by the young influencer on TikTok, the moment in which she gives the gift to her husband was captured.

Anes accompanied Weldan to a car dealership and, as seen in the video, her husband was literally speechless when he opened his eyes. How could we blame him? After all, in front of him was a brand new Lamborghini Huracan Evo wrapped in a huge red bow. This is a racing car worth around €190,000 euros ($208,000 dollars) and that would make any motor enthusiast's head spin.

Anes, known on TikTok as @ ayunieso24, said: "I know the early days after our child's birth won't be easy, but I trust my husband and I'm sure he'll be okay. This gift is to thank him for all the sacrifices he will make and how he will take care of both me and the baby. I will need him more and more from now on and I felt I had to reciprocate in advance in a special way, " Anes said.

TikTok /ayunieso24

TikTok /ayunieso24

This young woman has certainly succeeded in her intent and has "rewarded" Weldan in the best possible way. After all, think about it: which of us would not face a challenging period better knowing that, when free, we can take a ride in our Lamborghini when we feel like it?

After the publication of the video, the comments were not long in coming. There are those who wrote that it would be less expensive to hire a full-time nurse. On the other hand, there were those who said that Anes' partner is a very lucky man to have her by his side.

It is true that her partner will do a lot for the child and the mother, but is it normal and right that he received a gift like this? The child belongs to both of them and it is assumed that both parents will take care of them. What would you have done in place of the young mother? Would you have given your partner a "reward" or would you have opted for a different path?
