Woman entrusts her precious plants to her niece and sister-in-law, but finds them nearly destroyed: they had sold cuttings

by Mark Bennett

April 28, 2022

Woman entrusts her precious plants to her niece and sister-in-law, but finds them nearly destroyed: they had sold cuttings

There are a lot of ways to break ties with your relatives, but we didn't think some of these included conflict over plants as well. You got it right: plants. The story we are about to tell you has as its subject a lover of plants, which, as many of you know, can cost a lot of money when it comes to buying and raising rare specimens. People like "plantmomaita", for example, are not satisfied with just having a few plants to decorate the interior of the house, but has chosen to have the most rare and valuable specimens in her collection. The woman said she had an unpleasant incident with her 14-year-old niece and her mother (her sister-in-law). The reason? The sister-in-law and the niece felt entitled to pillage her plants to earn some money.

via Reddit

F. D. Richards (not the actual photo)

F. D. Richards (not the actual photo)

The woman told her story on Reddit, where she described the relationship she had with her niece and sister-in-law before the unpleasant incident. As is easy to guess from her Reddit handle, "plantmomaita" is a plant lover who, years ago, started collecting various plant species. She had reached a the point of having collected aroun 70 plants, after which she decided to reduce her collection to about 35. Having such an aunt, we should not be at all surprised that her niece soon became fond of gardening too: Jenny, a young girl of 14 years old, began to follow in her aunt's footsteps, often talking to her about botany and repotting plants enthusiastically. We believe that sharing a hobby is really important and that it has so many benefits. Studies show that working with plants immediately makes everyone happier!

Unfortunately, this relationship broke down when the woman asked her niece and sister-in-law to "babysit" her plants, for a short period while she was on leave. A simple request, which the two immediately accepted.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

It should be noted that the woman had rare and precious plants. Unbeknownst to the woman, the sister-in-law knew this and had her eye on the valuable plants as potentially becoming a source of income for herself. In any case, the woman did not suspect his diabolical plan and trusted her sister-in-law, leaving all of her precious plants in her. Additionally she promised Jenny that she would give her some cuttings once she returned from her trip as a way of thanking her.

Returning home after a few days, the woman found her plants were almost destroyed. They had been watered, to tell the truth, but they had also been inexplicably pruned ... by a lot! The woman learned that her sister-in-law had pruned off many cuttings which she then sold online, making a profit. The woman could not believe it: so many very expensive specimens had been damaged forever ...

Shouting and angry, the woman ordered Jenny - who had also brazenly asked if she could have some cuttings for herself, as her aunt had initially promised - to bring back all the unsold cuttings. After that, she called her brother to tell him about the appalling behavior of his wife and daughter.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

The woman's sister-in-law aksed her to calm down, as she was having a nervous breakdown over "simple" plants; the woman kept shouting at them and finally told them to get out of her house and never come back.

The woman's brother had the good sense to apologize on behalf of her wife and daughter, and brought back the unsold portion of the cuttings. The woman continued to rage, claiming that she never again wants to have anything to do with her sister-in-law and niece.

Now she has some doubt about how she acted: did she go too far? Tell us your thoughts in the comments!
