A mother parks in a reserved spot and is attacked in a note left on her windscreen: "You don't have children, you're just fat"

by Mark Bennett

March 24, 2022

A mother parks in a reserved spot and is attacked in a note left on her windscreen: "You don't have children, you're just fat"

Too often, selfishness and a cruel nature leads people to act on impulse and blurt out something without adequately reflecting on the consequences of their words or actions. When a person cannot explain something to themselves, it seems that they have a tendency to automatically choose to believe the worst version of the range of possibilities available. Paige Murray, a 25-year-old English mother of a 3-month-old baby, found herself in position like this, when she found a note on the windshield of her car - a note in which there were very specific allegations. The young woman was accused of having parked in a place reserved for pregnant women and new mothers, and had allegedly parked in the space despite her not having a child: "You're just fat and lazy, there were no children in your car". The young woman was deeply affected by this negative incident, especially since she had done nothing wrong.

Wikimedia / not the actual photo

Wikimedia / not the actual photo

Paige Murray was stunned when, after returning to her car, she found a note on the windshield accusing her of being fat and not pregnant nor being with any children. The place where she parked was reserved for mothers with children... just like her! Paige is a young English mother who, that day, had gone to the supermarket in the company of her mother-in-law, her sister-in-law and... Daniel, her 3-month-old son. Probably, the person who had the urge to leave that cruel message had not realized that Paige was holding her baby boy tightly to her chest, in one of those harnesses that many parents wear to carry young children.

Why jump to conclusions and even insult someone you don't know? Paige was very shocked and she admitted that she found herself distraught and upset that she thought, for just a second, that she might have been in the wrong. But of course, the young woman had every right to use that parking space.

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Paige shared her experience on the web: “I hope whoever wrote that note is ashamed of themselves. It's really a cheap shot to offend people like that without really knowing the truth. I waited for the author, but they never turned up; and I was convinced that I had done nothing wrong. They should have told me something to my face if they had had a problem with me. "

Why all this nastiness in the world? Before shooting arrows at someone or judging something we know nothing about, let's remember that we have people just like us in front of us before we attack them verbally (or worse).
