"Luckily you were here": woman helps a stranger to give birth in the street

by Mark Bennett

March 25, 2022

"Luckily you were here": woman helps a stranger to give birth in the street

Sometimes the best things in life happen when we least expect them – happening at the most incredible time and in the right place with the right people. After all, many of the biggest surprises and unexpected events that have happened in our lives are those that we had never thought of anticipating or planning for, but that just happened, and without any prior warning. Today, we want to tell you an extraordinary story with a happy ending, born out of an incredible stroke of luck and amazing chance...

via WPLG News Local/YouTube



The subject of this beautiful story is called Stela Niznik, the owner of a restaurant / diner in the United States who, one morning before arriving at work, was attracted by a small group of people who had gathered around a car. There was a man, a girl and an elderly lady all crowded around a woman who was clearly in difficulty. Stela approached and saw that, inside the car, there was a lady who was giving birth at that very moment. The owner of the club knew that she absolutely had to do something, so she immediately called for an ambulance but before it could get there, the emergency operator explained over the phone what Stela would have to do in case the suffering mother had no choice but to give birth to her baby.

Max Pixel/Not The Actual Photo

Max Pixel/Not The Actual Photo

"The woman on the phone told me to take a deep breath and 'to keep calm', then added: 'You have to deliver the baby now - you don't have time to wait for an ambulance,' Stela said, describing the moment. Suddenly, she realized that it was up to her and it was she, and nobody else, who was in charge of delivering the baby while everyone was waiting for the ambulance to arrive.

"I was pushing with one hand, and with the other I was just started slapping her legs and thighs, shouting at her like crazy, I was like, 'Come on mom, keep pushing, push, push! And then finally the baby came out perfectly into the light and into my hands! " said the excited woman. Shortly afterward the ambulance arrived, took the mother and child away and hospitalized them. Both are now perfectly safe and healthy.

When she learned that the mother and daughter were healthy and had been released from the hospital, Stela wanted to find out more about the family. Eventually, she found out that the mother was from Chile and had traveled for more than three months on a bus and crossed 11 countries to seek her fortune in the United States, despite being very pregnant at the time. This was a very moving story that Stela took to heart, and after finding this out, she made friends with the mother and helped to take care of her and her little baby, Darlie Stela, in organizing a new life in the USA (the little girl's middle name was not given by chance, of course!): " I have no doubt that God has put Stela in my life. I hope she will continue to help others because God will bless her," said the Chilean mother, clearly emotionally moved by Stela Niznik's overwhelming generosity.

So, as you can see from this story, it really is true that the best things in life happen in the right place at the right time to the right people!
