"I refused to babysit my sister's children and now they tell me that I am being selfish"

by Mark Bennett

March 24, 2022

"I refused to babysit my sister's children and now they tell me that I am being selfish"

For better or worse, our family will always be our family. One of the most important things in life is to have around us the people who have given birth to us, who have raised us, who love us no matter what, and in all cases – good or bad – those who we know will always be by our side and have our backs when a challenge arises. Whether they are our mothers, fathers, brothers or sisters - it doesn't matter: we know that we can always count on them, and perhaps sometimes we even lean on them a little too much and take their support for granted. The strange story we want to tell you about here has as its subject a 25 year old woman who was singled out by her sister, and then later by the rest of the family, as being "selfish" for a very strange reason...

via Incrivel

sean dreilinger/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

sean dreilinger/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

The 25-year-old woman, who told her story hoping to get advice from the Incrivel editorial team, said she was called selfish when she finally refused, for one more time, to take care of her two nephews while her 31-year-old sister - the mother of the two children – went about her business, but completely without regard for the needs, wishes and commitments of her younger sister. Here's what the anonymous sister said: "Hi everyone, I'm a 25 year old woman and my sister, Amber, is 31 years old and a mother of two. I don't have, and I don't intend to have, children of my own in the near future. Being childless, this is probably why my sister Amber has been treating me like her personal babysitter for the past five years. Since I have no children, she thinks it will do me good to spend as much time as possible with my nephews. But that's not where the story ends.

In recent times, I have basically sacrificed three weekends in a row to stay at home and babysit my sister's two children. And not only do I have to look after them, but I have also washed and cleaned the kitchen of her house. It is as if I were not just a baby sitter but also a maid. I simply can't take this situation anymore."

aehdeschaines/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

aehdeschaines/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

Later, however, the girl's sister made a proposal to the anonymous woman of this story that finally succeeded in sending the latter into a rage: "One morning my sister Amber calls me and tells me that they were driving past near my home and that my two nephews would be delighted to spend time with me (and, “coincidently”, she also had to take care of some errands). At that moment, I saw red and I angrily told my sister that I also had a life. Then I slammed the phone down. Now she will not talk to me anymore and our parents have not only defended her but have called me selfish. What do you think, what should I do? "

Now we pass this hot potato to you: what would you have answered this aunt who is so outraged by the attitude of her sister? Do you think the anonymous sister was right to hang the phone on elder sister, or should she have sought a more diplomatic way out of this awkward situation?
