This elderly man goes to his beloved wife's grave every Saturday - a moving scene

by Mark Bennett

March 07, 2022

This elderly man goes to his beloved wife's grave every Saturday - a moving scene

There are those who do not believe in eternal love, yet there are couples who stay together for a long time and that only old age are passing away can bring to an end. It is important to live every moment of our lives with the people that we really love because, sooner or later, these moments will end and we will be alone in remembering the happiness of the past. On the internet, a video of an elderly man, who spent Christmas day in a cemetery sitting at the foot of the grave of his beloved wife, went viral. Since she passed away, the man goes to visit his wife's grave every Saturday and whenever there is a holiday or memorial day. It goes without saying that this is a moving scene, which made users from all over the world reflect on the meaning of life and love.

via Instagram / ryanicaro

Instagram / ryanicaro

Instagram / ryanicaro

When one's loved one is gone forever, something inevitably breaks in the heart of the partner who has always been close to him or her. There is no way to repair the pain, even if many try not to plunge into total despair and depression. The elderly man who was filmed on video told his story to Ryan Icaro, a passerby who just happened to see him sitting in the cemetery and filmed him. The man had lost his wife 5 years earlier and, to make his sorrow worse, he had also lost a daughter - which is why he always shows up at the cemetery with two flowers.

The young man who filmed the scene was very moved by the history of man: life is ephemeral and we are all just in "passing moments". We have to enjoy these moments because we don't know when they will end.

Instagram / ryanicaro

Instagram / ryanicaro

After talking to the elderly man, Ryan has probably thought of all the times at Christmas, or on other holidays when his family is reunited. And at these times there is always some cousin or relative who, instead of attending the reunion lunch or dinner, stands off on the sidelines chatting into their cell phone. From this new perspective, this behavior really seems like a wasted opportunity!

In short, we should try to live our lives as much as possible surrounded by people we love and who enjoy sharing their experiences together with us. That's the important thing... don't wait until it's too late and end up regretting wasting your time!
