Mom builds a miniature bathroom to teach her infant son to be independent

Babies typically begin to use the potty at around 7 months, as they are able to sit stably by then, but the process can last several months and only at the age of 2 or 3 years is an infant completely ready to abandon the diaper for good. A mom posted a video on her TikTok account, showing off a rather brilliant idea. She set up a small, miniature bathroom, in a corner of the main bathroom in her home, for her young son. In this way, the child is now learning to relate to the environment and is overcoming the obstacles of the heights and dimensions of the various bathroom fixtures and fittings. The little one, in fact, has a mini toilet and a mini sink, as well as a glass with a toothbrush and comb, and a towel attached to a hook on the wall. In short, the baby's bathroom is a faithful miniature copy of an adult's bathroom!

The explanatory video has been watched by more than 3 million users and was considered "brilliant" for its content and genius. Firstly, the child will have a space of his own and will learn the concept of privacy, in a very real sense. Secondly, he will learn simply by imitating the behavior of adults: we know that children are like sponges and can imitate everything they see and hear. This is why it is important for infants to have good examples at home to follow. In this way, then, children are able to savor their first moments of independence - independence that will continue to be constantly sought for as they get older. Having a baby bathroom all to yourself means starting, slowly, to feel at ease with the essential elements of the environment, such as using the potty.
Watching this video, some users confessed that they feel a little envious as their level of parenting is nowhere near that of this mom. In short, everyone admitted the genius and usefulness of having built a miniature bathroom for the child!

Here are examples of some of the most enthusiastic comments that were posted: "This is great. This child has the opportunity to grow independently and with good values. Great job"; "This is a really brilliant idea! For sure we are going to try this!" and also, "A really great idea! Children learn best by imitating adults."
It seems like a winning idea, don't you think?