Waiter discovers his boss cradling a customer's baby in the restaurant

by Mark Bennett

February 03, 2022

Waiter discovers his boss cradling a customer's baby in the restaurant

When we decide to go out to eat at a restaurant, all we expect is to relax in a place that is welcoming, unique, with employees that are kind and easy-going, where the food is excellent and, at the same time, fairly priced. Going out to eat at a restaurant or club is already be a pleasure in its own right, and it could be even more enjoyable if its' owner shows unexpected and completely surprising gestures of kindness and generosity...

via Love What Matters


"This is one of the best managers I've ever had. In the midst of our 2nd shift tonight, we had this couple come in with...

Pubblicato da Love What Matters su Lunedì 11 dicembre 2017

This all happened some time ago in an American restaurant, when two elderly people entered one evening with their grandson. Most likely tired from the very long journey they had faced on the highway, they sat down at their table completely exhausted. At that moment, all they wanted was to eat a hot meal and have a drink so that they could get back on their feet and to face their long journey home again. Even the grandson they had with them was tired and sleepy, so the two elderly grandparents had to eat their food while holding their grandson as he fell asleep.

But luckily, at that moment, the restaurant manager saw the elderly couple sitting at the table trying to enjoy their hot meal and, at the same time, holding their sleeping grandson in their arms. For this reason, the owner approached them and offered to hold the baby in his arms long enough for two grandparents to finish eating the dishes they had ordered.

Florian Plag/Wikimedia

Florian Plag/Wikimedia

This was a gesture of rare kindness that did not go unnoticed. A restaurant employee immortalized the moving scene of his manager, Doug, holding the sleeping baby in his arms. The photo was published on Facebook and it immediately reached hundreds of thousands of users, touched by this simple gesture of kindness and generosity by Doug, the owner of this special restaurant.

In the caption to the Facebook post, the waiter wrote: "This really made us shed a few tears! Definitely a wonderful man and a great dad - he has twins himself! You don't see such kindness in people so often anymore! This is my manager who took care of a sleeping baby while his grandparents were having a hot meal at the Cracker Barrel restaurant! "

What a wonderful gesture, don't you think?
