Soccer player gifts a new house to his children's nanny, lifting her out of poor conditions living in a run-down, wooden cottage

by Mark Bennett

January 10, 2022

Soccer player gifts a new house to his children's nanny, lifting her out of poor conditions living in a run-down, wooden cottage

True champions are recognized not only by the number of goals they score on the pitch, but also by how they behave off the pitch. Argentinian soccer player Hernán Barcos, for example, has proven himself to be an all-round champion with a heart of gold on more than one occasion - most notably, displaying this when he donated a new home to his children's nanny. The idea stemmed from Barcos and his wife, Giuli Cunha, wanting to help Maria, their domestic worker. Maria lived with her children in a very simple wooden house and, to be honest, it was a bit run down, - that's why the Argentine soccer player wanted to give her a new home. This was a gesture of great love and allowed Maria and her children to improve their living conditions.

via RPP Noticias

Maria is a domestic worker for the soccer player Hernán Barcos and his wife Giuli Cunha. The couple say they are very fond of Maria. This wonderful woman manages to take care not only of her own children, but takes care of Hernán and Giuli's children too. Maria has four children and they all lived in a very humble, but rather run down, wooden cottage - not an ideal place or way to raise a family! Initially, however, Barcos and Cunha had absolutely no idea of the conditions in which their nanny and her children lived, but when they found out, they decided to thank her in their own unique way.

In fact, Maria has quickly become a very important member of the soccer player's family, who could not easily carry out his profession without her help. For this reason, both he and his wife have decided to give Mari - as they affectionately call her - a more comfortable home.


In addition to the working setup, a relationship of deep friendship has developed between Maria and the couple. And this special relationship can be clearly seen in the photos the family takes of themselves and their nanny and from the affectionate comments that Giuli often and willingly writes in the photos' captions.

The neighborhood where Maria now lives is the same as before, but the house where she lives is much more beautiful and modern than the old one. The walls and floors are solid and sound, the furniture is new and the rooms are bright: in short, this is a major, positive change to how the nanny and her children had been living!

Unsplash / Not the actual photo

Unsplash / Not the actual photo

Barco and his wife are fortunate enought to be able to afford to give their nanny such a great and wonderful gift. And being kind to someone costs us nothing. Even a simple act of kindness can change somebody's day, or even life, for the better. Even if it seems like it would be just a drop in the ocean, this story is an example we can all follow and try to emulate every day - and only in this way can we make the world a better place!
