Grandfather agrees to babysit his grandson - for $12 an hour!

by Mark Bennett

January 11, 2022

Grandfather agrees to babysit his grandson - for $12 an hour!

Grandparents are important figures for our children and often build a truly indissoluble bond between them. Grandparents are always very happy to see their grandchildren and spend time with them, for many reasons. First, they are their grandchildren - who probably love more than their own children. Moreover, for a grandfather and a grandmother, it is pleasure to spend a few hours in their grandchildren's company. There are grandparents, however, who don't think exactly like this. Reddit user "iri_baker67" told the story of how he refused to babysit his 1-year-old grandson without getting paid. What is your opinion - has he gone too far?

via Reddit / iri_baker67

Unsplash / Not the actual photo

Unsplash / Not the actual photo

The grandfather told Reddit users that his 29-year-old daughter would soon be going back to work full-time - 5 days a week for 7-8 hours a day, from 7:30 to 15:00. Of course, being the mother of a child of just 1 year, she asked her father when he would be able to take care of his grandchild. This would be for 2-3 times maximum in a week. Her father said he can do it, of course, but for a price: $ 12 an hour! His daughter offered him $ 10 because she can't afford to pay any more, given that she only earns $ 22 an hour. The daughter didn't question her father's request for payment, but she simply wanted to negotiate about the price. The father, however, continued to defend himself and his demands and wanted to know from Reddit users whether they think his behavior is acceptable or not.

"I have a life, I work for myself and I think you should understand that if I am to give up my working time, then I need earn extra money for when I'm not working anymore" said the grandfather. .

Unsplash / Not the actual photo

Unsplash / Not the actual photo

"When I work from home, I simply can't do my work and look after a baby at the same time," the grandfather continued. The daughter, after having explained to him how much she needs his help, also reassured her father that it would only be for 2, maximum 3 days a week. The remaining days would be taken care of by the paternal grandparents. The father, however, was not convinced: "I love my nephew, but I'm not a nursery".

What do you think of the grandfather's stance? Write to us in the comments!
