They move in with their son on a permanent basis when they discover that he has become rich: parents raise a storm

by Alison Forde

December 11, 2021

They move in with their son on a permanent basis when they discover that he has become rich: parents raise a storm

When a parent gives birth and then raises a child, they knows deep down that they would like them to become an adult in their own image and likeness; a person of righteous principles who may perhaps embark on a profitable and satisfying career path; this is the dream for every self-respecting mother and father. But what happens if a child does not follow the same footsteps traced or suggested by their parents? A rather curious and almost absurd story was posted on Reddit by an anonymous user, who gave free rein to his frustration by relating his rather unusual relationship with his parents ...

via AITA/Reddit

Kristina Hoeppner/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

Kristina Hoeppner/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

The person who published his story on Reddit said that he didn't follow the path that his parents had marked out for him, nor had he chosen the professional path that they had advised him to take. But when, after 17 years of not talking to each other, their son tried to reconnect with them, they suddenly changed their attitude towards him when they discovered that he was doing a well paid job, as a banker and, in his spare time, as an actor. Here is what happened in the words of the anonymous poster: "My family comes from a long lineage of doctors, being a doctor is the only acceptable profession in their eyes and anything other than that is not easily accepted. When I told my family that I would NOT become a doctor but that I would build an acting career or a career as a youtuber and supplement my income with small business activities, they kicked me out and then we lost contact for 17 years.

Over time they moved to the UK and my sister became a doctor and my older brother undertook a course of study in neurosurgery, which he has now finished. We got back in touch during the pandemic and they told me they were returning to Sydney because my brother got a $750,000 a year job.

In the past 2 years they have never asked me how my acting career has gone, and basically they thought I was just starving in Sydney. To their credit, they were right that I wasn't "making it big" in the acting business, however, I did "make it big" as an investment banker and recently became a partner in the bank where I work.

Dennis van Zuleijkom/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

Dennis van Zuleijkom/Flickr - Not The Actual Photo

"This came up on Friday when I met them for shopping, but when we decided to arrange to see each other, they suggested we go to my house before going out for dinner. When we got to my house they thought I was renting a room and they asked me how much the rent was. I informed them that I was not renting and that this was my house. They lost their minds, accusing me of lying to them for years and only meeting them to slam my "probably illegally earned" wealth in their faces," and they concluded by informing me that they will now live with me instead of my older brother, since they can't be seen living in a worse home than their son's.

I laughed at them and reminded them that they bet on my brother and sister not on me, and that they have a better chance of living with my neighbors than with me. At that point they threatened to "cut me out of their will," to which I reminded them that they can't even afford to buy homes in my area, so their will and possessions don't really matter to me. Was I right to answer them in this way? "

How would you have responded to this guy's question? Was he right or not to treat his parents in this way?
