The cashier at a fast-food restaurant can't pay the mechanic and is helped by a customer who gives her his car

by Alison Forde

September 21, 2021

The cashier at a fast-food restaurant can't pay the mechanic and is helped by a customer who gives her his car

Working in a fast-food restaurant is not an easy task, being in close contact with all types of customers every day. In addition to being responsible for deliveries and orders, you need to know what to do to ensure maximum customer care. Kindness and respect, in fact, are the winning weapons to guarantee a smile for all its customers, who, if satisfied, will gladly return. Vicki is well aware of this as, after working hard in an American fast-food restaurant, she received an unexpected gift from a loyal customer.

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Unsplash/ Visual Karsa

Unsplash/ Visual Karsa

Vicki works in an American fast-food restaurant and is extremely proud of her job. Every day she wakes up early in the morning, travels by car and carries out her duties with diligence and seriousness. From the early hours of the morning she gives a smile to the fast-food customers, who, in addition to ordering breakfast, are happy to have a chat with her.

  • After years of work, Vicki has managed to make new friends by meeting her favorite clients on a daily basis. Among Vicki's regulars is Chris Ellis, a businessman who regularly goes to the fast-food restaurant to greet the very nice cashier and to enjoy a good burger.

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Youtube / ABC News

One day, however, the 53-year-old woman was forced to walk to work due to a car breakdown. A small inconvenience that seemed to weigh heavily on Vicki's shoulders. Repairing the car meant paying the equivalent of a full month's salary for her. A sacrifice too great for the cashier, who immediately turned to her friend Chris asking for help.

The businessman, fully understanding her situation, consoled the desperate woman, promising her that he would find someone willing to sell her a cheap car as soon as possible.

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Youtube / ABC News

A few days after the miracle: Chris had returned to help his friend in need. In his hand, he had not a phone number for a used car salesman, but the keys to a new car, all for Vicki.

The fast food manager, who couldn't believe her eyes, immediately ran to call Vicki, who was convinced that she was close to being fired because of her lateness in the morning. Vicki's fears, however, vanished in a matter of seconds, as soon as she realized what was going on.

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Youtube / ABC News

Incredulous at Chris's gift, the woman burst into tears: “I didn't know what to think. He usually always jokes with me and I was convinced that this too was yet another joke. Yet, here I am with the keys ... I didn't realize I was so lucky”. The man actually didn't take long to find a used car, since his son wanted to get rid of his car to buy a newer model.

Now Vicki has her own car again with which she is free to go back to work with a bigger smile than ever and this is all thanks to her friend's kindness and positivity!
