A devoted husband quits to take care of his depressed wife and starts selling water on the street

The term depression is frequently used to indicate the presence of a sad, irritable and empty mood, accompanied by all those physical, physiological and cognitive changes that significantly affect the behavior of an individual. Severe depression can be diagnosed and, consequently, treated with appropriate therapy and support from friends and family. It's not easy for those close to the patient to manage the situation, but the love and encouragement of dear ones can be really precious. This is why Frank Lopes, 36, decided to leave his steady job to look after his wife, who was diagnosed with severe depression by doctors. The man, in order to stay close to his partner, decided to reinvent himself from scratch and to sell bottles of water on the street. This way, Lopes can easily manage his working time and the time spent taking care of his wife.
via Instagram / garcomdetransito

When Frank Lopes learned that his wife Elisangela Sena, 49, was suffering from severe depression, he decided he would do whatever he could to be around her. Thus, he gave up his steady job to have more free time to spend with her. Obviously, he had to find a way to reinvent himself and continue to earn some money and be able to support his family; Lopes decided to start selling water on the street, inventing the character of the "passing waiter". His persona has been very successful, also because his story started to circulate on social media and to be discovered by a vareity of internet users.

Many people who stop to buy water from him, or who follow him on his Instagram page, advised him to get away from Elisangela, as sooner or later she would drag him into the abyss with her depression. But Lopes never had any intention of doing this, on the contrary - he always wanted to honor the promise he made the day they got married. Furthermore, the couple have an 8-year-old son and Lopes has never thought of separating from Elisangela and making his son suffer.

Lopes is now known by many people, to the point that several users have managed to raise a collection for him and his family: $10,000 to support Elisangela's medical expenses and live in dignity.
This man has chosen to support his wife and family and has put all his wits into it to do so. A demonstration of love that not everyone would be able to make : bravo!