Single mom does not have the strength to cope with triplets and asks for help: 3 grandmothers answer the call

Raising a child is tough for a family - especially in the first few months - but raising triplets, for a single mother, is something akin to a “mission impossible”.
However, this is precisely what happened to Hayley Arsenault, a 25-year-old resident of the city of Tignish, on Prince Edward Island in Canada. After trying for a long time to get pregnant, she had the good news that she was expecting not just one baby, but three!
via CBC

Hayley, who had meanwhile been left by her husband, however, found herself facing the long birth - and the hard work of managing the babies once they were home - completely alone. If she initially tried to make the best of a bad situation, in a short time she had exhausted her energies in an effort to meet the needs of the little ones. The new mother decided to open her heart online and ask for help on Facebook. Her desperate request was sent out to the good heart of Internet users.

Keep in mind that a newborn needs at least 3 feeds within a 24 hour period, or every 3.5 hours. It must then be changed and washed 4 to 7 times a day. Now, multiply everything by three: it is easy to understand that a single mom with this type of family not only has little time to manage babies, but also to do all the other activities that a home requires. Besides the fact that she should be able to find a few free hours to sleep in the tranquility of a healthy environment - as that is the only way to find the strength to start all over again the next day.
Not knowing how to cope with a situation that had become unbearable, she relied on the net. And the response she got to her post on Facebook was truly amazing. Her request for help went viral and many people offered to help her out. Jenny MacDougall, Alice Mokler and Anita Arsenault (who is not related to Hayley) are three sisters who read the appeal and decided to respond.

“Raising a baby is already tough,” Jenny said, “let alone three all at once. When we went to Hayley's house, we quickly got busy. But it took several days to see her relaxed and smiling. We had to help her a bit in everything, in housework, in managing of the children and in getting in supplies. The little ones need about 250 diapers a week, this number gives you the picture of the effort it takes to manage them! ”.
Now the little ones find themselves with a grandmother each, happy to take care of them. This means that Hayley has now been able to live again without having to work 24 hours a day. It also means that the triplets have an appropriate level of care and attention, so that the first few months can be happy and relaxed. Best wishes to Hayley and her "grandmothers"!