A pregnant woman skips mass to take her children swimming and ends up saving a child from drowning

by Alison Forde

July 21, 2021

A pregnant woman skips mass to take her children swimming and ends up saving a child from drowning

Sometimes destiny is capable of changing our life in a completely unexpected way; some call them coincidences, others signs from heaven, but the fact is that chance is always an element that has strongly characterized our lives, in one way or another. Often it's fate that brings two people together in the most unexpected way, and it's something that Susan Swedberg knows very well, a mother of twins who one summer Sunday decided to change her plans without knowing that she would save a life...

via Fox 9

Fox 9

Fox 9

Like every Sunday, Susan Swadberg was supposed to go to mass with her twins, yet that day she decided to make a small exception to the rule: she would take her children to a water park to teach them to swim. In fact, Susan had worked in the past as a lifeguard for five summers and she knew very well that swimming was one of the most powerful tools that a child from 1 to 14 could have to avoid drowning; that's why she felt it was very important to give lessons to her 3-year-old children so that they would float independently in the water.

But she Susan had absolutely no idea that she would save someone from drowning that day ...

Fox 9

Fox 9

While she was with her three-year-old twins at Crystal Beach Park in Burnsville, Minnesota, Susan realized that something strange was happening not far from her; there was a desperate mother who had approached the edge of the water and was waving, screaming and asking for help: her son was about to drown!

Susan didn't think twice and left her two children with her sister, who was with her that day, and rushed into the water to rescue that child before it was too late: that was the moment when she would finally put her skills into practice as a lifeguard and for the first time ever in her life she was about to save a child who risked drowning!

Fox 9

Fox 9

The most extraordinary thing about this rescue story? That Susan rushed into the water and swam to the distressed child with a nice baby bump: yes, the mom of two twins was 33 weeks pregnant when she went to the water park and put her lifeguarding skills to the test!

But all's well that ends well: lucky that Sunday Susan Swadberg decided to skip Sunday mass, we would add!
