A 94-year-old widower builds a swimming pool in the backyard for all the children in the area: he didn't want to feel alone

The loss of a loved one is a trauma that is unlikely to heal; time can pass, the pain is transformed, yet still always remains firmly inside our heart. A similar sensation was experienced by Keith Davidson, a retiree who is now 94 years old and who in 2016 lost his wife Evy after 66 years of marriage. Of course, this widower is not left completely alone, he has three children, yet none of them has given him a grandchild yet.
via KARE 11

To make sure that he wouldn't decend deepr and deeper into the grip of old age and loneliness, he had a brilliant idea: if he wasn't going to live long enough to at least become a grandfather, ideally he would become one for all the children in his neighborhood. Keith Davidson, who worked as a district judge in his life, has always been active despite retirement; he plays bass and tuba with a small band from the small town of Morris in Minnesota, and then in 2017, a year after the death of his beloved Evy, he decided to do even more for his community and for himself at the same time ...

In his home which had now become too lonely, Keith Davidson has built a large swimming pool, where over the years he has hosted all the children of the Morris community, which was inexplicably without a public swimming pool like that to entertain the little ones during the very hot months of the summer season. The outdoor pool in Davidson's backyard was inaugurated in 2017 and since then, many children from the neighborhood have visited there to take a dip in that heavenly place.
The only strict rule established by the elderly landlord: all children who want to use the community swimming pool (whose entrance is obviously free) must be accompanied and supervised by an adult!

Jessica Huebner, a neighbor of Keith's, happily stated: "It's as if Keith Davidson has adopted our entire neighborhood of children, as if they were his grandchildren. It is thanks to him that joy spreads throughout our Neighborhood!" So now, instead of being holed up inside his house in complete solitude, this 94-year-old widower is sitting on a deckchair, outdoors and sipping a refreshing drink while admiring the dozens of children of his community who are having fun and splashing about while they live out the summer with happiness and lightheartedness.
After all, Keith may not have had the satisfaction of becoming a grandfather, but now it's as if these guys have now become his favorite grandchildren!