A dad who spends time with his kids doesn't "babysit", he's just being a dad

by Alison Forde

July 02, 2021

A dad who spends time with his kids doesn't "babysit", he's just being a dad

Raising children is not easy, it's true, but neither can it become an "excuse" for our unhappiness or dissatisfaction. To be honest, it should be exactly the opposite: children should represent a reason for living and a constant stimulus for improvement, and not a trivial excuse for not undertaking certain activities. It's not surprising that those who think in these terms believe they have to "babysit" their own children. We often hear fathers say, "I'm sorry, I can't tonight, I have to babysit my children." What these fathers should learn is that the time spent with their children will never come back: it's a precious time, to be seized on the run and to be spent together, as "father and children", and not as if the children were a burden.



A father should be a point of reference for his children, he should teach them how to extricate themselves in a world full of pitfalls and suffering. The age in which the little ones absorb much of this information best is around the age of 7, a very important moment in their upbringing, since their father's words will remain indelible in their minds forever. It's a dad who takes care of all these things, not a babysitter! Why, then, do many dads continue to define themselves this way? Perhaps, they have not yet understood that their time with children is limited and that one day they will no longer have the chance to spend hours of leisure with as when they were little.

A father wanted to give some advice to other parents, when he came to this conclusion. Here is his advice:




1. Never use the "I'm too tired" excuse: if your children ask you to play together, read them a book, go to the zoo or anywhere else, don't use this reason to not get involved with them.

2. Do what you say: with children, it's not words that count, but actions. Their brains associates the result with the words you used, so calibrate them well. But be even more aware of the facts.

3. Children are not your "excuse": Many people deprive themselves and their children of incredible experiences, such as travel, sports or other interesting projects, just because they believe they have small children who cannot manage these commitments. Instead, why don't you take your children, put them in the car and go for a run together? Why don't you plan a trip with them? Children are not limits, but good reasons for doing things!



 Children are not a burden, but a blessing: this is perhaps the most important advice to always keep in mind as a parent!
