She can't get pregnant: the doctor finds her a nurse who acts as a surrogate mother

by Alison Forde

June 29, 2021

She can't get pregnant: the doctor finds her a nurse who acts as a surrogate mother

The desire to be a mother cannot be extinguished if it is very deep and rooted in a woman, despite the many tides and storms that dot our life. There are stories of women who have struggled all their lives to become a loving mother but who didn't manage it and others who never gave up and did everything to make their deepest desire come true. The story we want to tell you today is precisely one in which resilience and a bit of luck triumph!

via CBS News

CBS Evening News/YouTube

CBS Evening News/YouTube

The woman in this beautiful story with a happy ending is called Erica Gray, and at the age of 27 she received devastating news from her doctor; she had stage 3 cervical cancer that absolutely needed to be operated on; in the end, she Erica she had two options: she could choose the path of chemotherapy or radiotherapy or undergo a radical hysterectomy that would have left her infertile; she would not be able to have children in the future.

Gaining a lot of strength and courage, Erica chose to follow the path of surgery; despite it not being a walk in the park, she was successful and the woman recovered from her cervical cancer completely; but her desire to become a mother had never ceased ...

CBS Evening News/YouTube

CBS Evening News/YouTube

Speaking to the oncologist who had saved her life, Erica had expressed her desire to become a mother again, and so the doctor offered an alternative that the woman had absolutely not thought of: a hospital nurse named Kasia Birdwell was interested in being a surrogate mother for a woman who very much wanted but couldn't have children, so the two immediately got in touch.

Surprisingly, Erica and Kasia immediately got on very well and they decided by mutual agreement to follow this path together: the nurse would carry the fruit of Erica and her husband's love in her womb through a process of gestational surrogacy (the child who would have carried for nine months would be created from Erica's fertilized egg).

CBS Evening News/YouTube

CBS Evening News/YouTube

Luckily, Kasia's pregnancy went great and after nine months little Richard was born to everyone's joy. Despite the many hardships and difficulties she had to face in her young life, Erica Gray has finally become a loving and very affectionate mother: her dream has been realized thanks to the precious help of her oncologist doctor and Kasia the nurse, the perfect and kind surrogate. 

CBS Evening News/YouTube

CBS Evening News/YouTube

Best wishes to this new family born of altruism and love 
