For her birthday, he give his wife a dress two sizes smaller: "I did it to motivate her to lose weight"

by Alison Forde

April 16, 2021

For her birthday, he give his wife a dress two sizes smaller: "I did it to motivate her to lose weight"

Telling a woman that, perhaps, she might have put on a few extra pounds is already a rather delicate subject in itself, but completely mistaking how to communicate it is really equivalent to a kamikaze operation. An "affectionate" husband had the brilliant idea of telling his wife that he would like the woman to lose a few pounds, but he could not have chosen a worse tactic to convey this message: for her birthday, he gave her a very pretty little dress ... two sizes too small! The message that accompanied the gift went like this: "I can't wait to see you wear it". The purpose of this really not very clever move? Motivating his wife to lose those extra pounds that obviously bothered him. Fortunately, her response was certainly not long in coming.



Some might think that this husband's gift is actually an act of affection, the result of deep love for his wife and concern for her health. Although losing weight is indeed an important health issue for some people, the story told by user "mike_p_89" has nothing to do with this, but a selfish desire to see his wife thinner and, perhaps, more attractive . A real shame, since in a couple you should love each other as you are, without trying to transform the other to your taste or liking. Of course, this philosophy must not be a pass to let yourself give in completely to vices or other harmful lifestyles.



The TikTok user with the nickname "mike_p_89" posted a video in which he describes the episode and his wife's hilarious response, certainly more appropriate than her birthday present. The man begins to tell how he had the fantastic idea of giving his wife a dress in a smaller size, in order to motivate her to lose weight and to "get into" the dress. A truly unique way to tell a woman simultaneously, "you are fat" and "try to go on a diet". The wife, however, does not seem to have taken it well and in response she used the same tactic as her husband.



One day, Mike came home and found a gift package on the living room table. It was a box of condoms ... two sizes bigger! The note that accompanied the "thoughtful" gift read in much the same way as the one he had written to his wife: "I'm waiting for the day you can wear these."

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Web viewers have openly sided with the woman, the true star of this story. Could she have given a better answer?

What do you think, did the husband act inappropriately or did he do well to attempt to "spur" his wife on in that way? Tell us in the comments!
