A 10-year-old girl goes to school and gives her shoes to those in need: the teacher is moved

by Alison Forde

March 16, 2021

A 10-year-old girl goes to school and gives her shoes to those in need: the teacher is moved

The purity and generosity of children will most likely save us, considering the level of cynicism many people have come to nowadays. Yet children do not make distinctions and know how to enact gestures of disinterested kindness like few others do. Many adults would not be able to replicate the kind gesture of a 10-year-old girl at a school in Cruzeiro do Sul, Brazil - a gesture that moved her teacher Mary Moraes. The little girl entered her classroom and asked the teacher for the opportunity to address the class; after gaining Mary's consent, she asked her classmates which of them wore shoe size 27, because she had a new pair of shoes that she could no longer wear.

Mary Moraes

Mary Moraes

"I'm wearing a 28 now and I already have shoes," little Isabel told her class, and asked which of her classmates was wearing a size 27. A little girl at the front desk raised her hand - she was wearing exactly that size and was thrilled at the sight of those shiny shoes. Isabel immediately approached the little girl and, after kneeling down, she made her try on her shoe: it fit perfectly! 

Mary Moraes

Mary Moraes

Both girls were thrilled with that shared moment. Isabel had just made one of her classmates very happy, thanks to her generous gesture of hers, and the other little girl was really grateful to her. "I am still recovering from this very intense moment", commented the teacher jokingly, who could not hold back a tear in the face of so much generosity. 

Mary Moraes

Mary Moraes

"We can, and should, behave like the children in these gestures. I believe that love will always win, in the end. Therefore, teach your children to love, to give of themselves, teach them how to respect others, because only in this way will we be able to aspire to a better future and a better world" commented the teacher. Like her, many other readers also shared the same thought and continued the reflection claiming that the world needs more people of this type, and also more children with such big hearts.

Let's try to learn, then, from Isabel!
