A woman in distress knocks on the door of a station and leaves a newborn baby with the fire brigade

by Dominic Quirke

March 07, 2021

A woman in distress knocks on the door of a station and leaves a newborn baby with the fire brigade

Firefighters are used to dealing with any situation, even the most critical. As soon as an alarm goes off or a call arrives, they are ready to rush to the rescue of anyone who needs help to ensure their safety. But the firefighters at Station 75 in Santa Ana, California, never expected someone to come knocking at their door desperately for help.

via CBS Los Angeles/Youtube

CBS Los Angeles/Youtube

CBS Los Angeles/Youtube

A desperate mother was knocking and ringing the bell of the fire station. Captain Daryll Milliot, who was on duty, went to open the door and found a woman holding a newborn baby girl in her arms. The woman simply said "I have to give you my baby". It was the first time that the brigade had to deal with a situation like this: a mother looking for help and a child looking for a home. It was a different undertaking from all other situations, but the captain - along with Michael Leon, Tyler Green and Shawn Stacy - immediately took matters into his own hands.

CBS Los Angeles/Youtube

CBS Los Angeles/Youtube

These men did their best to comfort the little girl named Naomi and waited for social workers to arrive. Although their intervention was timely and the fighters spent very little time with the baby, they still consider themselves "unofficial uncles". Shortly after being taken into the care of the social services, Naomi was adopted by Krysten and Kurt Snyder. The couple were about to adopt a one-year-old baby but, as soon as they learned about little Naomi, they immediately knew they had to take care of her.

CBS Los Angeles/Youtube

CBS Los Angeles/Youtube

So they hurried to buy all the things necessary for the little girl and never forgot the firefighters who, albeit for a short time, took care of her. On the day of the adoption ceremony, in fact, they invited the "unofficial uncles" to share their joy. For Michael Leon, a fireman that was present the day the mother knocked on the door, it was one of the most exciting days of his career. Seeing her again was huge joy: the fighters could not have been happier that little Naomi had found a family that loved her and took care of her.

According to Naomi's mother, the woman who knocked on the door of the station that day was extremely courageous: aware that she could not take care of her baby, she made sure to guarantee she got a better future.
