She was a girl on the run and a homeless mother: today this woman is a millionaire entrepreneur

by Dominic Quirke

March 05, 2021

She was a girl on the run and a homeless mother: today this woman is a millionaire entrepreneur

A feeling that all of us, sooner or later, are destined to feel is that of dissatisfaction. In certain moments we are seized by the sudden desire to change life, to change jobs, cities or partners because we are not happy with what we have. Our future is not always already written: with our strength and our determination we are able to change it. Mimi proves this to us, a woman who has managed to make a radical change in her life. It took sacrifices, hardships and dark times. But, thanks to her tenacity, today Mimi tells her story and is a source of inspiration for many people.

via forbes


Mimi Goodwin, known today as Mimi G., had nothing. She grew up in Chicago and spent most of her summers with her father in Puerto Rico. In those moments she cultivated a passion for sewing. Due to dark episodes, Mimi fled Chicago at the age of 15 and went to California in the hope of attaining a better future. But at the age of 17 Mimi was homeless, alone and pregnant with a baby girl. The woman's traumas were many, and sewing seemed to be the only escape capable of holding these pieces together.



Her past, however, allowed her to be the person she is today: after enrolling in a fashion school and realizing that she had learned much more when she was self-taught, she decided to bring her passion for fashion and sewing online. She initially started a blog, this then made a YouTube page and the page became a brand: her own brand.


At this point Mimi quit her job and dedicated herself completely to her passion and her followers pushed her to take another step forward: teaching sewing and drawing. The woman, despite the success she has had, now has another goal: to offer a space for all people who want to fully exploit their creativity. Mimi G Style is now a million dollar brand.

It is not easy to change your life, to be able to cultivate a passion and turn it into a profitable job, but this story teaches us that by risking - and through small steps - dissatisfaction and dark moments can be transformed into an opportunity.
