A teacher takes care of the newborn brother of one of her pupils: at the boy's home, they all have Covid

by Alison Forde

February 27, 2021

A teacher takes care of the newborn brother of one of her pupils: at the boy's home, they all have Covid

When the situation is at its worst and the moment of need makes itself felt, people are capable of extraordinary acts of kindness and solidarity that sweep away any doubts about the drift of indifference and wickedness that we sometimes think has taken over in this crazy world in which we live. For example, the outbreak of the global Covid-19 pandemic could have alienated people even further, yet in such a complicated, unexpected and unique moment like this, some gestures of empathy and solidarity have really warmed our hearts...

via ABC 7 News



Meet Luciana Lia, a teacher of English as an additional language at Hart Magnet Elementary School in Stamford, Connecticut. Luciana took care, for a short period, of the baby born just a few weeks ago in the family of Zully, a student of the English course that Luciana runs. Once he became ill with Covid, Zully did not know how to avoid infecting the newcomer in the family, given that the boy's mother and then the boy's father has also fallen ill.

For this reason, not being able to ask anyone else, Zully called his English teacher to ask if she could take care of the newborn for a few weeks, until they had all recovered.



Obviously, Luciana could not say no when faced wth the serious family health situation, and so she calmly welcomed the newborn baby into her home; to facilitate contact every day with the members of his quarantined family, Luciana organized video calls so that, although remaining safely distant, they could see each other's faces, as if they were all there, embracing one another.

The words of Zully's mother and the little boy were truly emotional when she learned that the generous English teacher would take care of the new arrival: "This gesture is something no one imagined. Essential workers leave the house every day, whilewe are all at home, working and trying to understand this new normal that has taken us all by surprise. But this selfless act on the part of my son's English teacher reminds us that our humanity renders us all important ... for each other. "



Touching and very emotional words that show us once again that, in the moment of need for mutual solidarity, we are capable of exceptional and unthinkable gestures of generosity. All our respect and our deep admiration go to Luciana Lira, a teacher with a heart of gold from whom we should all take inspiration!
