The tenants move out and leave the house full of garbage: the owner dumps it in front of their new home

by Alison Forde

February 06, 2021

The tenants move out and leave the house full of garbage: the owner dumps it in front of their new home

If you have had the uncomfortable experience of a strict and very proud landlord, you haven't had it so bad: you should meet this landlord in the north of France who decided to take revenge on his disrespectful tenants: they left their rented house full to the brim with all kinds of garbage, dirt and waste, and for this reason man had no choice but to act in a rather drastic way!

via The Sun


Owner Thomas Ravaux had rented an apartment to a family of five; this family, however, was overdue with the rent by 14 months; it was time to go and pay them a visit to try to obtain the unpaid rent, and the moment he crossed the threshold of the apartment, he shuddered at the horrendous spectacle he had before his eyes .. .


Not only had the five tenants apparently left the building quite some time ago (this explained why they no longer answered the phone and the rent had accumulated so much), but they had left the house in a horrible condition: there was dirt everywhere, a stench in the air , garbage and more garbage which had taken over every room in the house.

A practically apocalyptic and shameful scenario that Thomas did not hesitate to photographically document and publish on his Facebook profile, publicly condemning the behavior and the family who had slipped away without warning.

But Thomas's revenge had only just begun: not only did he track down the new house where the family had settled, but he had put aside all the garbage they had left in the previous apartment and literally dumped it right at their front door! 

To carry out this revenge elaborate plan, Thomas hired a van with a ramp and threw the filthy mountain of trash in front of the former tenants' door. An absurd scene that seems to belong in a comic film but instead was promptly filmed and then published by Thomas Ravaux on his social media pages:

Pubblicato da Thomas Ravaux su Martedì 5 giugno 2018

Many people applauded Thomas's "extreme" gesture and condemned the truly reprehensible behavior of this family: but can you trat a property like this? And what nerve it takes!

How would you have acted if you were the tenants?
