He reaches graduation but his parents didn't show up: a young man bursts into tears before the ceremony

by Alison Forde

January 12, 2021

He reaches graduation but his parents didn't show up: a young man bursts into tears before the ceremony

His university graduation day should have been one of the most joyful and important in the life of a willing and tenacious young man who, with a lot of passion and personal effort, managed to complete a course of study that will allow him to enter the world of work with great success . An indelible day that should be kept in the memory of every student, but that Jeric Rivas, the young man in this moving story, will always remember for other reasons.

via Newsner

Jeric Rivas graduated in April 2020 from La Concepción University in San José del Monte, Philippines, but on that very important day for him, sadness overcame him completely: "I felt very sad on the day of my graduation. Sad because I remembered once again what happened when I was in elementary school and high school!"

What happened during his studies in elementary school was that, having to collect an award that should have been presented on stage by the parents themselves, his parents didn't show up. Years later, when Jeric was in high school, the boy even had to "borrow" a friend's parents so that someone would show pride in his school achievements ...


But Jeric, despite never having had the support or financial help from his family, never lost heart, and decided to take on many jobs to make ends meet and to be able to afford to leave home and to live and study independently at university. Now, Jeric has a degree in criminology with full marks, but even at this important moment in his studies and hislife, his family did not show up ...

The story of that unforgettable day is told by Jeric himself in a post on his Facebook profile, with these words: "I felt tears running down my cheeks, I sat on one side and cried. I'm ashamed to admit it ..."

But on that momentous day, Jeric was not left completely alone; next to him was his professor, who had always helped and supported him; together, on stage, they exchanged hugs and smiles. Despite everything, the day was celebrated as it should be!


And so it was, despite the tears shed before graduation and the deafening absence of his parents. But all is well that ends well, Jeric has finally graduated and is ready to pursue a brilliant career in criminology, despite everything and everyone!

Many wishes from us too, dear Jeric!
