A brave 7-year-old boy returns to his burning house to save his little sister of just a few months old

by Alison Forde

January 05, 2021

A brave 7-year-old boy returns to his burning house to save his little sister of just a few months old

Courage is an attribute that we learn with experience, throughout our life. Being brave does not mean getting rid of your fears, but continuing with determination on your own path despite these fears. Eli is a 7-year-old boy who, despite still being very young, has courage to spare. His house suddenly went up in flames one night, but he didn't hold back from the responsibility of being there; he was the only one able to save his little sister of only a few months. A little hero who has succeeded in an incredibly dangerous undertaking that many adults would not have been able to accomplish.

via Kion546

Facebook / Nicole Davidson

Facebook / Nicole Davidson

The night the house burned down, the Davidson family were quietly having dinner. Chris and Nicole then put their three children to bed and, after a while, they too retired to their bedroom. During the night, however, the couple woke up due to the strong smell of burning in the air. Within minutes, the two realized the house was on fire and immediately ran to retrieve the children. The youngest, however, Erin Davidon, just 22 months old, was trapped in a room. "The smoke and the fire were so thick that I couldn't reach her," said her dad, Chris Davidson, "we went out to reach her through the window, but there was no way to get up there. So I lifted Eli in my arms, who entered through the window and was able to save his sister. "



Eli, a 7-year-old boy whom the Davidsons had taken into foster care a year earlier, showed all his courage by returning to the house engulfed in flames again. The little one was obviously frightened and initially believed he couldn't do it; all of a sudden, however, he yelled at his dad: "I have her, dad! I got her!". He was very afraid, but at the same time he wanted to save his little sister's life. Both Nicole and Chris couldn't be more proud of him! The Davidsons, both firefighters, have had many foster children, including Eli, and have officially adopted two more - Erin, 22 months, and Elijah (2 years). Unfortunately, the family has lost everything they had - the house was completely razed by the terrible fire and starting over won't be easy. Thanks to a fundraising page and the generosity of acquaintances and strangers, the Davidsons hope to soon emerge from this nightmare.

A heartfelt wish for the future to this family!
