Infant abandoned in a plastic bag is saved by chance: he will be named after the carabiniere who rescued him (+ VIDEO)

by Mark Bennett

October 20, 2022

Infant abandoned in a plastic bag is saved by chance: he will be named after the carabiniere who rescued him (+ VIDEO)

When we read stories involving desperate mothers and abandoned children, it is always upsetting. The first thought naturally goes to the child and its welfare: when desperate actions are committed - such as abandoning a newborn in the dangerous streets - our hearts break. For example, how much safer would it be to leave an unwanted baby at a hospital? Yet many situations force some women to choose an extreme solution. The story we tell you about today, fortunately, had a happy ending.

via Youtube / Telesud Trapani

Neonato abbandonato in un sacchetto in aperta campagna. Trasportato in Ospedale dai Carabinieri del Comando Provinciale di Trapani.

Pubblicato da su Martedì 4 ottobre 2022

In the Italian town of Trapani, Sicily, a baby was found alive and well in a plastic bag laying next to a dirt road in the countryside. The discovery of the infant was made by a local farmer who was setting out to work his land. The baby was alive and the man immediately raised the alarm, calling the carabinieri, who sent a patrol to the scene as quickly as they could. The farmer finding the baby was extremely fortuitous and could easily have not happened if he had changed his work schedule...

The newborn was rushed to a hospital in Trapani, where doctors declared him safe and well. The name chosen for the little one could only be Francesco - in honor of the Saint of Assisi - since the discovery took place on St. Francis day (October 4th), and was also as a tribute to the carabiniere who first held him in his arms.


The rescuers who responded to the emergency - Veronica Catalano and Piero Cialona - were initially perturbed by the incident and told their story with these words: "They warned us in a phone call that there was an abandoned child laying next to a dirt road nearby. He still has his umbilical cord attached. When we arrived, a lady who had wrapped the infant in a blanket, told us that he had been found in a plastic bag. He still seemed cold, so we put him in a special blanket that is used for this purpose. He seemed to be fine, however, and his airways were free. It was a tough experience, and we hope that all goes well now".

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Pexels / Not the actual photo

Many believe it is eminently possible to give birth and leave an infant in good hands, while remaining anonymous. But, this is not the first or the last time that we will hear of stories like this. The important thing is that this baby is now safe and that he has his full life ahead of him, thanks to his rescuers.
