The roads are icy and unsafe: the school bus driver stops and buys breakfast for all the children

by Alison Forde

November 27, 2020

The roads are icy and unsafe: the school bus driver stops and buys breakfast for all the children

Driving on icy roads isn't exactly pleasant; you have to equip yourself with chains, thermal tires and use the car steering slowly and carefully to avoid skidding and causing accidents on the road. One thing that Wayne Price knows perfectly well. One morning the school bus driver collected the students of the elementary school in Montevallo in Alabama as usual but then decided not to take them directly to school because the icy roads were too dangerous ...

via Today

Mr. Price, one of our bus drivers, truly demonstrates the spirit of Christmas! On Tuesday, when school was delayed due...

Pubblicato da Montevallo Elementary School su Mercoledì 12 dicembre 2018

Wayne Price knew that morning that the icy roads were too dangerous to safely transport the almost 50 children who boarded the bus every day to head to Montevallo Elementary School, so he decided he would take a safer shortcut and give them a surprise, seeing as the school would start classes two hours late and skip the traditional classroom breakfast.

Wayne knew that driving down there was too dangerous for him and the children, so he decided to take advantage of those free two hours and take them all to the nearest McDonald's. He paid out of his own pocket and all the children who had boarded the school bus that morning had a free breakfast!

Bill McChesney/Wikimedia

Bill McChesney/Wikimedia

Obviously, this kind gesture by the school bus driver who considered the safety of the little ones rather than driving on an icy road was noted and applauded by the parents of the students and the school staff, who said on Facebook: "Mr. Price, one of our bus drivers really showed great Christmas spirit! On Tuesday, when the school postponed opening due to icy roads and was unable to serve breakfast, Wayne bought some cookies at McDonalds for every one of the students on the bus. What a kind gesture, which our students will always remember!"

And how can we not applaud it too? Well done Wayne!
