A man refuses to give his seat on the bus to a pregnant woman because he feels too tired after work

by Alison Forde

November 07, 2020

A man refuses to give his seat on the bus to a pregnant woman because he feels too tired after work

On public transport, there are usually places reserved for disabled or elderly people, a consideration that allows these types of people to almost always secure a seat during the journey ahead. In many countries, there are also seats reserved for those who are pregnant - to ensure that future mothers have a safe journey too! One man, however, managed to create a debate about an unpleasant event in which he became the protagonist. The man in question refused to give his place to a pregnant woman, as he felt too tired after work. The man was not rude, but he still refused to let a pregnant woman sit. A gesture to be condemned or to shared?

via Reddit



The man wrote a post in which he asked for advice from web users around the world: "Am I the idiot in this case?". The responses from the web were the most disparate and essentially divided those who strongly condemned the gesture and those who instead conceived of it as "right". The man had just finished a long 10-hour shift at work and when the pregnant girl got on the bus, asking him with her eyes to give her his seat, he flatly refused: "Excuse me, but my feet hurt .. .I'm too tired ", the man replied. He then went on to say, "She started crying about being a pregnant single mom and I told her I'm sorry, but that (having a baby) was her personal choice and she can't expect that others people around her should be  accommodating of her life choices ".



After reading the post, many users lashed out at the man's position: "Ok, so the next time an elderly person tries to take a seat on the bus, will you start complaining that he's too old? Or a disabled person, who was born disabled? " as if to say again "it's their choice". Other readers, on the other hand, have gladly welcomed the post, supporting the man and letting him know that there is nothing wrong with his attitude.

What do you think? Would you have given up your place if it had happened to you?
