She insists on adopting her dead neighbor's son: years later a DNA test reveals her husband's betrayal

Being cheated on by one's partner is probably one of the most painful experiences a person can have. After so many years of a relationship it can be difficult to suddenly accept that you are no longer the only person in your other half's life. How is it possible? How long will this affair go on? The questions will begin to pile up, until the relationship is completely broken. There are, of course, the rare exceptions where a relationship manages to bounce back after such a blow. We don't know if the woman protagonist of this story has ever recovered, but we hope she may have taken some time to recover from the tragic experience. After years of dating and marriage, the woman discovered that her husband had cheated on her with her neighbor, and the way she found out was shocking to say the least.

The female protagonist of the story said she had 15 years of engagement and another 10 of marriage with the man she thought she loved with all of herself. A love that she believed was mutual, but which apparently turned out to be inconstant. The couple's neighbor was a single woman, with whom they had always maintained friendly relations. One day the woman discovered she was pregnant and gave birth to a beautiful baby. Being a single mom, the woman explained that the baby's father wasn't a steady boyfriend, but just someone she had spent a night with. In any case, the neighbor often continued to get sick and not infrequently the married woman in the story and her husband tried to look after the little one. One day the baby's mother, after being hospitalized for a long time, died leaving a heavy inheritance to the couple who had lived next to her for years.

The husband of the married woman, whose name we unfortunately do not know, immediately proposed to his wife that they adopt the little orphaned child. After receiving a positive response from his wife, the procedures for adoption were started. As they grew up, however, his two children began to strangely resemble each other more and more: when the adopted child was 5 and his other son 10, the similarity was undeniable! The woman then decided to have both of them do a DNA test: the results showed that the two children were half brothers and the husband had therefore cheated on his wife with the neighbor! Imagine the humiliation of discovering such a thing and finding yourself in the predicament of being that child's adoptive mother, a child, who basically embodied her humiliation and betrayal, although the little one was absolutely not responsible.
The woman asked internet readers for help, trying to figure out how to proceed with her life: should she divorce her husband? Renounce the adoption? The problem is that she loved all three deeply. Not an easy choice, which surely cannot be made by anyone who was not in her shoes. The only honest advice she could take was to take some time for herself. What do you think? What would you have done in her place?