A woman lashes out at her mother-in-law: "She showers her biological grandchildren with gifts, but only buys pajamas for her step-granddaughter."

Holidays should be the perfect occasions to spend more time with the family, with the closest relatives but also with those who we haven't seen for a long time. For the little ones then, the time of the Christmas holidays, is when gifts and presents are delivered with love and affection by mum, dad, grandparents and uncles. Sometimes, however, it can happen that there are unpleasant incidents of favoritism when gifts are chosen, and even Christmas can turn into a nightmare ...
via Mumsnet

An unfortunate situation was encountered by a mother, who on Christmas day experienced a scene of shameless favoritism on the part of her mother-in-law. The grandmother arrived with bags full of gifts for her grandchildren by her brother-in-law and sister-in-law, while she brought only a couple of smaller packages for the daughter of the son's new wife; not being the biological granddaughter of the mother-in-law. The latter did not hesitate to show off her shocking favoritism towards her grandchildren, 1st class and 2nd class, in front of everyone:
"When it's time for presents, the mother-in-law arrives with 2 huge bags of gifts for my brother-in-law and sister-in-law's two kids, the children are 5 and 2 years old. For my daughter instead she takes out one gift. Half an hour later the other grandkids are still unwrapping their presents, while my daughter only got a pair of pajamas and that's it. She is really upset now and asks why grandma gave her only pajamas and her cousins got toys, clothes and chocolates. "

The angry mom explained that her daughter understands that dad and grandma are not biologically related to her, but they all worked to make sure she was loved in the same way. Furious about this, both the father of the 5-year-old girl and the sister-in-law did not think twice about sharing the gifts assigned to the cousins with her, letting them all play together.
Now that her son, daughter-in-law and sister-in-law have lined up against her, will this grandmother learn next time not to put her grandchildren on the spot again?