Man sees a dog trapped in a vehicle in scorching temperatures: he rescues the dog by breaking the car window open

Although certain things should just be common sense, some people have a hard time grasping simple concepts. When you think about your car in the middle of summer, for example, is it a good idea to leave a living creature inside of it? Although it might not feel too hot outside, the inside temperatures of a car can be 5-10 degrees hotter. On a 98°f sunny day, it would make it pretty easy for anyone to suffocate inside a car, let alone a small, furry dog.
This is exactly what happened the other day to a dog in Great Britain. It was close to 100°f outside and the poor thing was left inside a car without as much as a window open. luckily, a man walked buy and rescued the dog from the scorching temperatures.
via The Sun

The incident took place in Berkshire, England, in the parking lot of a strip mall. Samantha Heaver caputred the entire episode on tape and posted it to her social media page.
As people walked by, they noticed that there was a small Yorkshire Terrier in the backseat of one of the cars in the parking lot. The tempature outside was almost 95°f, and so the inside of the car was obviously even hotter. Minutes passed by and still there was no sign of the owner. They obviously weren't worried about their dog's wellbeing, considering it didn't seemed like they were any hurry to get back to their car.

With an ax in hand, a man walked up to the car and started hitting the window as hard as he could. After several attempts, they window finally fell to pieces, which finally gave the yorkie the opportunity to get some air. The dog's condition wasn't the best; he was lethargic and breathing heavily. Luckily, he was saved in just the nick of time. Moments later, two police officers arrived and then took him to the vet to check his vitals.

The owner of the vehicle was fined, although no one discovered who he or she was. Many internet users praised the man with the axe for saving the dog's life. We only hope that episodes like this will happen less often. People need to learn that having an animal as a pet is a privelege, not a right. If they can't take care of them like they should, they shouldn't be allowed to have one.