14 people post adorable pictures of their cats that demonstrate why they are such great life companions

When we grow up around other people, we don't even realize how much they can change over time. That's just how life goes though. We grow older and, through the course of time, our bodies and appearances change. Luckily for us, everyone we are around goes through the same transformations, so it's not really that apparent to anyone that we see on a regular basis. That's why photographs are so useful, because we can really see just how much we have changed through the years.
The same goes for our four-legged friends. Most of us get them when they are just little babies and, as they grow, they become true companions for life. As the years pass by, we often forget just how little they were when we first got them. That's why it's a good idea to take pictures of them at every stage of their life, so we can cherish those moments forever. That's exactly what these 14 owners did with their animals in this photo gallery. It's amazing to see the transformations these animals have gone through!
They've gotten so big, they barely fit in their favorite basket anymore!

My little guy as a kitten and adult. He may be bigger, but the looks he gives me are exactly the same!

He chose me when I was 2 years old... we practically grew up together!

These pics of my sweet kitty were taken just 2 years apart from each other...

The years pass by, but old habits (and old toys) stay the same!

The same photo, but with one big difference!

No matter how old she gets, this is still her favorite item... an old shoebox!

Seems just like yesterday... and, yet, here they are today doing the exact same thing. BFF's for life!

Me and him... 17 years later!

"Sisters we are, and sister we will always be!"

He's always been a "copy" cat...

Binx before and after... isn't he the cutest?!?

Even the "great" Thor was once just a cute little kitten!

Did any of you guys grow up with a cat?