Mom goes on a rampage when she finds out that her sister-in-law has tattooed her children's initials without her knowledge

Getting a tattoo is one of the most artistic ways to imprint forever on our skin the names or faces of the people who have most indelibly marked our life. Whether it is our partner, our spouse, the names or initials of our children or grandchildren, getting a tattoo is one of the most fashionable ways to always stay close to our loved ones and see them "imprinted" on our body. Sometimes, however, some types of tattoos can generate annoyance or controversy from other people.
via Reddit

This is more or less what happened to this anonymous mother who complained on a Reddit post that, she discovered from a post published on Facebook, her sister-in-law had had a tattoo done with the initials of her two children; in short, the aunt had made an indelible tattoo dedicated to her nephews without their mother knowing anything.
The angry mother's complaint received many comments, both negative and positive. With these words the woman tried to explain why she found all this "disturbing": "She is not an aunt much loved by my children - they see her once a year and they talk to her briefly on vacation [...] They never talk about her or ask much about her during the year. "

The anonymous mom also admitted in the same post that she persuaded her husband to cancel the sister-in-law's summer vacation, as she was so angry about it: "Should I feel flattered? I feel that if someone has to get my children's names tattooed on their body at all costs, it should be me or my husband! "
And you, which side are you on? In that of the angry mother, or that of the "disturbing" sister-in-law?