This baby was born with such long and luscious hair that people confuse her for a porcelain doll

Most newborns are born without hair and don't start growing any until they are about 1 years old. In rarer cases, some babies don't start growing hair until they are 2 years old. What's even rarer, though, are newborns who not only have hair, but are ready for their first haircut the minute they come out of the womb. In fact, there's a newborn named Dolly who was born with so much hair that she might be in the running for a world record.
via Daily Mail UK
If it's true that our given name has a role in choosing our destiny, Dolly evokes her name perfectly. When Dolly's parents take her out for a stroll, most people mistake Dolly for a porcelain doll. This is because no one has ever seen a newborn with a beautiful head of hair like Dolly's.

Dolly's mother, Katie Canham, is as perplexed as everyone else. She's had three children before Dolly and all of them were born with the classic "fuzzy" baby head. Unlike her other pregnancies, though, Katie remembers having a frequent burning sensation in her stomach. Her doctor, among others, claimed that a burning sensation in the stomach while pregnant is often a sign that the fetus has more hair than normal.

Although the cause of certain fetuses growing hair in the womb is not known, many contribute it to an elevated amount of estrogen being released during the third month of pregnancy. This theory was thought to be an old wive's tale, at least until a recent study revealed some scientific evidence to back it up. Whatever the case, Molly is blessed with such luscious hair, that she already had her first haircut at three months old. And she's made several visits to the hair salon since then!

Dolly's hair is so thich that is has to be brushed everyday, otherwise they'll become super frizzy and tangled. Doctors say that children born with hair like Dolly's usually don't have to deal with excessive hair growth for the rest of their lives. Their hormones even out eventualy and start growing hair at the same speed as the rest of us. It's still too early to know what will happen to Dolly... perhaps she'll go on to be a famous hair model, like the ones we see in hair salon magazines. For now, she is just an adorable baby with luscious hair. Whatever she decides to do with her life... well, she has years to figure that out!