This girl is only 5 years old, but she's already been called "the most beautiful girl in the world"

In today's society, the phenomenon of "child modeling" isn't new to anyone. Child models appear not just in magazines or advertisements, but also on the runway. It's a tendency that's becoming so 'fashionable' that many have started debating whether child modeling is actually morally acceptable: the age limit continues to drop and, as a result, many children miss out on what it's like just being kids.
Whatever side you're one, there's a new supermodel child in town, and this is her story.
via Yahoo Lifestyle
Jare Ijalana is a Nigerian child model and has been nominated by the internet as the most beautiful girl in the world. What's so special about this? For starters, she's only 5 years old! It was photographer Mofe Bamuyiwa that discovered Jare's extraordinary beauty, although she never immagined the popularity the images she posted of Jare would gain on Instagram. In no time at all, Jare's photos received over 70,000 likes.
Jare's look is so intriguing, that it has many people in the fashion industry talking. She has such a natural beauty about her, that it's hard to believe that she's only 5 years old.
Jare is absolutely gorgeous, but it seems like beauty is a trait that runs in the entire family. Jare's sisters, Jobi and Joba (7 and 10 respectively) are just as stunning. It's still too soon to say whether little Jare will make a debut on the runway, but her natural ability to pose in front of a camera definitely proves that she has promise. We'll just have to wait and see.