In a dirty prank, a stranger attaches a lock to a man's gauged ear and runs away with the key

by Cylia Queen

June 28, 2020

In a dirty prank, a stranger attaches a lock to a man's gauged ear and runs away with the key

Playing pranks on your friends is something people have been doing since probably the dawn of time. It's a great way to remind your friends that it's okay to have fun at each other's expense sometimes. You're probably entering into dangerous territory, however, if you are thinking about playing pranks on people you don't know. Tom Grim Fandago Matthews knows all too well what it's like to have a complete stranger play tricks on you. In his case, he was sitting at a table during his lunch break when someone came up behind him, inserted a lock in one of his gauged ear lobes, and ran away with the key!   

via Dailymail

Tom Grim Fandango Matthews/Facebook

Tom Grim Fandango Matthews/Facebook

At first, Tom was not happy at all about the prank. He posted a picture of his earlobe on Facebook and explained the sad story to all of his friends/followers. Some of his friends asked him how it was possible that he didn't noticed someone putting the lock in his ear. Tim's response was that he only noticed after he heard the "click" of the lock closing. By the time, the culprit had already ran away and it was impossible to catch up to him. 

Luckily, Tim was able to break the lock with a pair of pipe-cutters. One thing he'll take from this experience, though: never let down your guard! 
