An 11-year-old girl sells fairy tales she wrote herself to help her parents rebuild their house

by Alison Forde

July 15, 2020

An 11-year-old girl sells fairy tales she wrote herself to help her parents rebuild their house

When the whole world seems to collapse on us, the most important thing we can do is stay united in the hard battle of life and give value to the unity of the family; in these cases it is the love and mutual affection that we feel for the people who live under the same roof which saves us from the most unthinkable situations. Little Rita de Cassia, an 11-year-old girl who lives with her family in a mud and brick house in Brazil, knows this very well.

via VOAA



The 11-year-old girl lives in Mata Redonda, in the rural area of Remigio, in the state of Paraiba, but unfortunately the family home was literally falling apart: cracks, humidity and damage of all kinds called for immediate and urgent renovations. Rita's family, however, could not afford such an expense, but the girl had a brilliant and creative idea to help put up a sum of money in order to fix the house ...



To give a home and a better life to her family including her 7-year-old sister Ysael, Rita started writing short stories for boys and girls that she completely invented, designed and colored and started selling them to friends, relatives and neighbors. To think that at just 11 years old, Rita is the author of over 80 stories for children that she creates and binds personally using sheets of paper, cardboard and other materials that she receives from her followers, since she is also active on social networks. 



With the help of social networks and the sharing of Rita's artistic and artisanal project, work on the renovation of the house has really begun. Not only have the books written and designed by Rita paid off, but also the the heartfelt appeal of the 11-year-old girl on YouTube has stirred the hearts of the whole web, who have not hesitated to provide financial support for the repair of the building.



Now, the house is finally being renovated thanks to the big hearts of the people who followed and believed in Rita's dream, who with her talent, creativity and enormous imagination, has written and sold more than 80 children's stories with her own hands to make her dream of seeing the family united and happy, come true.
